The soldiers experienced such physical, emotional, and mental pain that they became unfit for fighting. It is estimated that almost one third of soldiers that died didn’t die from the war, but from the pain the war caused aside from fighting, such as: famine, emotional sickness, and mental breakdowns. The author, Erich Maria Remarque, shows the reader new perspectives and gives them different ideas to focus on to illustrate the severity of the Effects of World War One. In perception, all of the endless pain was pointless. The war was at a standstill point; such unnecessary harm was caused for what? To prove that one country can kill more than another? To prove that one alliance can outlast another? The main idea is this: The war was a waste of time, money, technology, and life. The book shows how the soldiers suffered, which adds to the idiocy that caused the war to continue. After reading the book, it is apparent that the war only caused harm. The war itself lead to millions of lives being lost, countries being torn apart, an economic downfall- the list is endless. In the end, there is only one final question readers and historians have to ask to understand the war: Was it really worth it all? After reading the book, the answer is no. The mental instability, physical pain, and emotional sadness was not worth…
The novel by Erich Maria Remarque “All Quiet on the Western Front” provides the reader with different views and representations of the war. Remarque, through the eyes of the narrator Paul Baumer and his imagery, exposes the reader to the gruesome horrors of the front. Remarque speaks about how the only worthwhile aspect of the war is comradeship and friendship, but this seems to lose hope as well. The war erased a whole generation and Remarque clearly identifies this in the novel.…
The Wars, written by Timothy Findley, is a story about World War I, and consists of many shocking images passed over to the reader. Findley accomplishes to pull the reader into the narrative itself, so that the reader manages to feel an impact upon him/her-self about what is read. If it was not for this specific skill, or can also be seen as a specific genre, the novel would not have been as successful as it is now. Also, something that helps the book be so triumphant, there is the fact that Findley never overwhelms the reader with too many gruesome details about the World War I. Instead, he breaks the book down to help the reader calm down from everything that is happening. Throughout the essay, there is going to be some commenting on a text titled "The Literature of World War One for Young Adults", by Dana McFarland, B.A., M.A., M.L.I.S. This text is going to be supported by and partly criticized by with the help of many examples from The Wars, some examples from All Quiet On The Western Front and by using my own knowledge.…
In the SHS, the composer creates a distinctively visual image of the suffering of the POW’S. Through the projection of photographic slides, images of extremely starved and emaciated women are depicted. In conjunction, the slides of the children who are shown to be, “stick thin, obviously starving, dressed in rags, filthy,” reveal the extreme suffering of the POW’S. Additionally, an image of the suffering of the POW’S is created through the use of soundtrack. The soundtrack of the machine gun fire, and the cries of women are heard and this creates the image of the insignificance and vulnerability of the women compared to the Japanese Army, this forces the audience to visualise the atrocities of war provides the audience with a haunting impression. Furthermore, the voice over of Bridie repeatedly apologizing to the Japanese soldier and through the communication of “the ugly thumps of the young Bridie punched and hit,”…
The novel “A Separate Peace” presents many examples of the theme “war and rivalry” like World War 2, enlisting for the war, and Gene and Finny’s egos. World War 2 is represented during the whole book, enlisting for the war was the inevitable fate of the boys, and Gene and Finny’s egos conveyed the rivalry. “War and Rivalry” was the most occurring theme in the story, helping shape the novel of what it is…
War is a product of the times. Out of war people receive stories, some true and false. According to Tim O’Brien, a true war story does not generalize nor indulge in abstraction or analysis (O’Brien 84). In the stories “This Way for the Gas Ladies and Gentlemen” and “Dulce et Decorum est” the authors illustrates nightmarish actions between soldiers in squads and prisoner in concentration camps. The atrocities they illustrate through the use of imagery and choice in words, according to Tim O’Brien, are a true war story and without them the story would be view as fiction.…
A lost generation, emotional destruction, the reality of war, these are all ideas displayed in the novel All Quiet on the Western Front that prove the validity of the statement in the preface. These ideas and more expressed by the author, Erich Maria Remarque, present the reader with the war novel of a lifetime. A war novel that is different from any other because of these ideas and the way Remarque presents them.…
The poster of the beautiful woman, Paul’s realization of soldiers not knowing what to do with their lives after war and not feeling at home in his own home are events where the disappearing of youth and innocence occurs. Paul and his comrades are not destroyed by shells and bullets but by their own emotions. Emotions make wars harsh, not the shells and bullets. For Paul and other soldier’, youth and innocence are a thing of the…
War is a very controversial topic for many people. Depending on the person’s outlook on the war, it can be depicted as something good or bad. War brings destruction wherever it goes, whether it is on a place or the people, and it ultimately is inevitable. War also protects a country from having further destruction and keeps the people at home safe from any danger. As a person can see in many recordings of war, there are many comparisons and contrasts that are expressed through soldiers, veterans, and civilians. Some comparisons seen in many of the testimonies given by effected people are dehumanization, dislocation, and alienation; but they also have contrasts that can be seen through nationalism, technological advancements, and the coming home for many…
To conclude, there is no doubt that the conflict of war is a useless encounter that affects many innocent people’s lives, the economic stability and physiological wellbeing of soldiers. It is evident that in some circumstances society makes war to ensure peace, and on the surface this seems rational, even plausible. However, in reality throughout the journey there is a great human and economic cost…
perspective on war, as presented in the characters’ experiences with its brutal and crude nature,…
“Conflicts” among characters in Hemingway’s “Soldier’s Home” helps the reader to understand the main character’s feelings and physical conditions - depression. The story starts with two different pictures showing Krebs before and after joining the army. The author stages the story of Krebs’s inner conflict to the relationship with his family. Indeed, the author leaves a lot of doubts that make the reader believe Krebs had pain of heart broken while in the war. The author does not directly describe the cruelty of war that Krebs experienced; however, through the conflicts among the characters in the story, readers can assume how the post young soldiers had suffered in the war and understand their trauma by the aftermath.…
The theme explores the horrifying and devastating effects that war has on the young soldiers involved. It shows the horrors and experiences; mental and physical problems that the young men had to deal with during and after the war. Some of these horrors included seeing their best mates killed in…
This story addresses the Inherent violence of war. Based on damage and fear it addresses readers to see the true reality that it brings. It provides examples of people's lives who have been affected and it shows ironic ways of making people see the truth, of what soldiers go thru everyday. This story creates the support of war tragedies and relates to most war scenarios from a battlefield. Usually war has two…
War is cruel and war is kind. One one hand, lives are ended pointlessly and cruel regimes have no mercy; but on the other, there is an odd sort of kindness, contrary to the cruelty that war can bring, people putting themselves in danger selflessly and the war itself brings about these sudden and extreme acts of generosity. Albert’s struggle to find his horse Joey in the trenches of World War I and Liesel’s hardship as she understands and use literature to combat the issues in the world in World War II show that some people can still be kind in the cruelty of war. These are stories that are set in wars that show the relentless cruelty people, and at the same time, the heartfelt kindness of people.…