Long ago the Greeks and Romans used brass instruments as well as percussion instruments to send information across battlefields as well as in their own camps (Trotter). Celtic armies would charge into battle and march valiantly to the sound of horns, and the beat of the booming drums behind them (Ibid). Not just the music inspired soldiers though. In some cases the symbols of a country’s popular instrument could give them inspiration to charge into battle and fight hard (Ibid). For example the bagpipes were so important to the scottish military that Britain banned the instrument after the defeat of the scottish army in 1746 (Ibid). Using music as a means of signaling was very effective, and the men involved in the battles used these tunes to help them get through these trying times they were put …show more content…
Some musicians help others understand the evils of war by sharing their experiences with others, and music is a great way to convey the emotions war brings. Many songs have used sounds of soldiers marching as well as the dark sounds of a battle going on to give the listener a sense of dread within their song (Botstein). Music known as “High Art Music” was created to invoke the experience of the greater sense of patriotism that people had during wars (Ibid). So while the experiences of war were terrible things, people used the emotions they experienced in war in their music so that others would know to avoid war at all costs. Clearly many musicians used songs to capture the evils of war, and some of these musicians used similar songs to rebel against a war going on around