The consequences of war were not only a divided country, native people lost a great amount of land as well as people. During the years of the War of 1812 the United States …show more content…
Without the "second American war for independence" we may not have invested funds into our military. We might have not expanded westward in the fashion we did, for good or bad. We might not have learned the importance of diplomacy; while we can be independent, it is still important to maintain relationships with other countries. Perhaps if we did not have the war, we would not have become involved in international affairs, we would not have the same respect as a nation. If the war would not have been fought at all, perhaps we would have been divided over slavery sooner than the 40 years after the war. The War of 1812 is one of the most important wars in the history of the nation; it really was all or nothing for our young