The war of 1812 was before any major outbreaks in the medical background but they did know somewhat of cleanliness and not to spread infections. A typical “field hospital” would have the tools and medicine to treat a wide variety of problems. The common procedure would be abscesses to amputation of limbs. Brain surgery using trepanning, which is drilling a hole in the skull to relieve pressure from head wounds. Bloodletting which was a common medical therapy. Back then they …show more content…
Cannons had a lot of use for taking off heads in the battlefield but they weren’t accurate, they were better for take down bigger targets like boats. Swords, knives, bayonets, and pistol butts were used back then for close combat fighting or even charging. Rifles, muskets and pistols were used most widely between the two armies since they were easier to move then cannons and more accurate. Something that both armies were trying to make at this time was the grenade, they wanted to get something that would explode overhead and rain nails and other sharp objects, but most of them would just hit someone or the ground and not explode. When they did explode they did tremendous