A New Jersey crane operator and hopeless father, Ray Ferrier (Tom Cruise), has his weekend with his kids interrupted by alien invaders who have come to destroy Earth and its inhabitants. We follow the Ferrier family as they struggle to survive the extermination attempt as they herd along the east coast. Along the way their relationships are tested as they learn more and more about each other, and mankind.
Accompanying Cruise on the screen is a very impressive Dakota Fanning as
Ray's 10 year old daughter, Justin Chatwin is his typical teenage son, and Tim Robbins plays a paranoid survivor that the family bunks up with for a few nights. Over all the acting is suffice, like I said; Fanning takes the cake in her role, where everyone else pulls off the performances needed. However I am not telling you to see this movie because of the acting. It is the special effects, sound effects, action, and mainly the techniques used by Spielberg to tell the story is what you will enjoy.
The entire film is from the one family's point of view. This works great because the audience is more able to attach themselves to the characters. Unlike Independence
Day, which had several "main" characters and just as many story lines, the audience had to settle as more of an omniscient observer than a participant. This also contributes to the pacing of the movie. War of the Worlds stays well paced with action and exposition, until a slow spot when Robbins's character is introduced. In ID4, because of all those characters and story set up, that film goes forty-five minutes before any real action scene, where the first action sequence is only fifteen minutes into War of the Worlds.
War of the Worlds opened in theaters June 29th and has a DVD release date of
November 11th, 2005. It was directed by Steven Spielberg, who has a few films under his belt that I am sure you have heard of, not to mention a film which deals with aliens,