He wanted to invade China in order to restore a democratic political system. He was the leader of the Army of the UN. He ambushed Chinese from behind while some troops were already struggling from the front. Then the Koreans caught between them.…
The colonists were in every right, aspect and mind not only justified but also it was about time that they stood of and actually take action against the British. The choice of going to war with them, was the only choice that they had. All diplimatical options that they had ceased to stand a chance against the tyrant Britain. From the very beginning when the colonists felt upset against their mother country and the way that they went about the law making, up until the beginning of the war, they tried all diplimatical options that they had by sending letters. When they didn’t work then they had no other means but to declare war.…
Several factors played a key role as to why America entered the war. Some of the most common reasons were the sinking of the Lusitania, the Zimmerman Telegram, America’s economic ties with the European powers, and the Russian Revolution. I personally feel that the U.S. should have gotten involved in WWI. America was trying to remain neutral and promote peace, but they couldn’t stand by and continue to let their civilians die. In my opinion America lost more lives then what they needed to.…
Was America justified in going to war with Mexico? This question is hard to answer as there were many reasons on both sides of the argument. However, in my opinion, the answer would be no.…
The Mexican-American war stared in 1821 after Mexico won its independence from Spain, thus allowing American settlers to move into the newly unoccupied territory. The Victorians of the war, were the Americans. After the war came to an end, Mexico signed the treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo. In the treaty Mexico agreed to give 500,000mi to the U.S., while the united states paid Mexico $15 million. There are many different point of views towards the Mexican-American war. The United states was not justified by going to war with Mexico because, they fought for what belonged to Mexico in the first place. And they used the belief of Manifest Destiny to overspread our country ignorantly.…
In chapters 3 and 4 of Robert McMahon’s Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War, there are a number of reasons given for the increased American involvement in Vietnam from the late 1940s to the mid 1950s. McMahon includes several documents in these chapters that point to three main reasons used to justify our role in Vietnam.…
America had every right, mind and aspect, to throw off the almost inexorable chains of Great Britain. Not only declaring war against the British was justified, but it was the only choice America had. From the very beginning, (when the colonists first migrated to America) the colonists were displeased with Great Britain's law-makings and government. When diplomatic options and agreements with Great Britain failed, America realized it was time to act and retaliate. The colonists' disagreements with Great Britain's law-makings, the specific unforgettable conflicts/events the colonists had with Great Britain, and the great desire for individuality, and freedom of rights of the colonists ultimately led to the declaration of war, the American Revolution.…
Over the years The United States of America has forged itself a reputation of declaring wars. Ironically, declaration of war was most justified in one of its least acknowledged conflicts, the War of 1812. The United States was justified in its attack on British North America, which was a colony of Great Britain at the time. The reasons for this justification were Great Britain's breach of Maritime rights, their support for the Natives, who were waging war against the United States, and the impressments of American naval men.…
After all of the hardship and violence the British imposed on the colonists, the Americans were justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain. The Colonists were justified in breaking away because the parliament passed laws that were unjustified, The British king was of tyranny, The Stamp Act of 1765, The Townshend Act and The Boston Massacre. All of this lead to the colonies joining together and rebelling against the British.…
Can’t decide if the United States going to war with Mexico was justified or not justified? It can be a struggle to decide. Mexico won its independence from Spain in the nineteenth century. Spain controlled most of Central America. Due to the extremely low population for such territorial extension, Mexico relaxed its immigration policies, as a result, allowing American settlers to help populate the northern territories. Their conditions to settle were self-explanatory. Now what do think? The United States was justified in going to war with Mexico. The United States was justified in going to war with Mexico because, of the Manifest Destiny, Mexico robbed the United States citizens, and the U.S. wanted to extend slavery and land.…
The United States was justified in expanding its territory, influence, and power in the Westward Expansion because the country saw an opportunity and took it. In this expansion of the United States, the foreign policy of Manifest Destiny is present. Manifest Destiny is the widely held belief that American settlers were destined to expand across the continent.…
For America, the War of 1812 was justified. Clearly there were sufficient reasons for America to declare war with Great Britain. Time after time the British violated American rights and freedoms. Acts such as impressments, the attack on the USS Chesapeake, the violation of American neutral rights and waters, blockades on U.S. ports, and the ignoring of stipulations of Jay's Treaty and their Treaty of Paris all imposed threats on America. To prevent further altercation, America tried to solve the problems peacefully by using economic warfare. After the failure of economic warfare, and the continuation of British wrongdoings, there was no other choice but war.…
In the late 1800’s/early 1900’s, the Europeans were of the most powerful nations in the world; the British, French, and Dutch. They had industries and resources, among other things, such as a strong military, guns, and things other nations did not have. Things that made it easier to conquer other nations. Europeans established overseas colonies in places like Asia, India, and Africa. They established them to get to their resources and also to have a place to sell their goods. Britain wanted India so they could sell their goods there and take India’s cotton. They thought if they didn’t take advantage of the opportunity, someone else would. Throughout the 1800’s, the United Stated expanded westward. Mexicans and Native Americans lost their land as a result. In most ways, imperialism was justified.…
The stimulus of the German naval policy was arguably the most impactful on the decision of the U.S. to declare war on Germany. Though the U.S. had been established with neutrality, American trade with countries at war was unhindered. As the war progressed the Central power of Germany became depleted of resources due to a blockade of highly advanced fleet of war ships. U.S. became involved in a conflict when Germany threatened our trade with Great Britain. Several German U-boats began sinking ships that were sailing for either the transportation of people or goods and arms.[1] Wilson viewed these actions as “wanton act[s],” and after a particular ship called the Lusitania was torpedoed by German U-Boats in 1915, the U.S. threatened to retaliate with military intervention against Germany. By this point the American population exhibited a growing resentment toward the German regime. Although the German government agreed first to restrict their submarine warfare via the Arabic pledge by sending a warning before taking aggressive naval action, but later changed to a new restriction via the Sussex which restricted this warfare by targeting only enemy military ships. Wilson, who strived for “peace without…
The American colonists were justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain because of unjust laws, a King of tyranny, and both violating searches and officials. These things outraged the colonists in different ways. Forcing them to unite together and rebel against Britain, hence leading to Revolutionary War.…