2. Waste water treatment in Romania. Projects in waste water sectors Water management is one of the key issues for Romania. Access to waste water collection is still a key priority, with only some 53 per cent of the population connected to waste water collection systems. The problems are in rural areas, which are home …show more content…
But sawage levels had been increasing steadily in the last few decades, and the Mureș River and Olt River witnessed a rise in pollution levels, due to the inability of the natural eco-system to absorb pollutants and reduce toxicity in water. The Romanian government decided to setup a modern waste water treatment plant in Alba iulia and Sibiu, to reduce the pollution levels in the Mures River and the Olt …show more content…
Also, coverage of Center rural areas-Transilvania area - by waste collection systems has increased considerably from less than 12 per cent in 2005 to 34 per cent in 2011. However, there is a need for further improvements in this area. Waste separation and recycling infrastructure are not yet sufficiently developed: less than 7 per cent of collected municipal solid waste throughout the country is recycled. Master plans are going to be made more than 230 communities in Romania, especialy in South and West of Romania (150 communities) to develop plans for the waste water systems, these will be discussed in the meetings of the local authorities, so citizens will be informed about that. The Munich wastewater works created a non-profit advisory foundation in Timisoara and Brasov, where local authorities from Romania can get independent