Purpose- Industrial activity worldwide uses 22% of the roughly 3.8 billion m3 of water consumed by human activity. So industry has a great need for water but given the tensions over water and the tougher legislation, it cannot continue to drain all this water from our planet’s resources. This is why the recycling of wastewater has become one of its top priorities. Water is often an essential part of industrial production. In the context of an ever more scarce resource and tougher legislation, many businesses are trying to recycle more of their wastewater. This may be reused in boilers and cooling towers or as water for washing, cleaning or processing. Recycling makes it possible to economise on resourcesupstream, while at the same time lowering the volume of waste discharged into the environment. Wastewater treatment is an important issue for industrial sites since it ensures that the water from the production process does not harm thesurrounding environment and allows the site to operate by meeting local authority discharge standards. Treating industrial effluent comes at a cost and can sometimes lead to complicated problems in terms of running the facility. That is why it is important to choose the right treatment methods, strengthen any weak links in the chain, and, operate and maintain facilities in accordance with best practices. The methods that are used are as follows:
Aerobic treament-Effective solution for the biological treatment of diluted effluent from refineries
and petrochemical sites and other types of water produced by the oil industry, as well as for the biological treatment of high-flow diluted effluent from the paper and pulp industry, withguaranteed improved reduction of COD and suspended solids.
Anaerobic biological treatment-The ANAPULSE, ANALIFT, ANAFLUX and ANAPLUS digesters use an anaerobic biological treatment process to break down organic carbon, while generating methane which
References: Article published by emagzine suez environment.