Water and Energy Savers Experts
Conserving Water Water is the most important part in each of our bodies. Our body is made up of 70% of water. Without water it would be hard to survive in this society. As important water is, there has been a shortage of water lately. For instance, we sometimes take water for granted and waste water by taking long showers, leaving the sink on and etc. Water has been a major issue in today’s society. There are families in this world who struggle from not having water. By conserving water, this will definitely lower the water bill but mostly help preserve water for those who need it the most. Each day billions of water have been wasted each day. For instance, most of the water is being wasted from the bathrooms and kitchens. Every time someone were to take a shower, gallons of water goes down the drain. Approximately 1.2 trillion gallon of water is being used and wasted each year. The dishwasher can also waste a lot of water each day with the gallons of water it uses to clean all the dishes on the tray. Sinks have been an issue also; for instance, people have been over using the sink and letting the faucet run for hours.
It’s an eye opener on how much water we use each day. If we conserve water each day and not waste that much water, it would help better our world. We could conserve water by taking shorter showers, and don’t let the sink run when we brush our teeth. When washing the dishes, plug the sink and reuse the water to clean all the dishes, it would definitely conserve more water than putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Once someone is done cooking food with boiling water, don’t pour the water down the drain, take the water and pour the water on some plants so that we don’t waste any water. By doing this activity, this would definitely help conserve water in the world. There is no reason why we should waste water. We all wasted water, it’s not on purpose but it’s definitely a bad habit that needs to be broken. Breaking this bad habit would save
Cited: Work
"Conserving Water." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2013.
"Save Water 49 Ways: Indoors." American Water & Energy Savers Experts in Water and Utility Management. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2013.