As the rapid population growth continues to be a major threat to developing countries’ progress, one of the things most affected by it is water. While the quantity of water remains static, studies have revealed that the population more than doubles every 20-30 years in developing countries (Coast Ernestina, 2002:5). This rapid population growth also is remarkable in the Nile Basin countries. Carolyn Lamere (2012) alerts that the population of Nile Basin Initiative countries is projected to more than double over the next 40 years, from 429 million in 2012 to 945 million people.
Bearing in mind that the downstream of the Nile Basin is in the region with “water scarcity”-North Africa, this study will critically analyze the problem of the distribution of the Nile water with focus on Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia and conflicts lain over that distribution. It will conclude by advising on how to use the Nile water without inciting conflicts.
Objectives of the study
This study aims at examining the effect of the rapid population growth in the Nile Basin and the surrounding areas on water resources. It also analyzes the conflicts resulting from water distribution in Nile Basin especially between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. It further recommends on how to fairly share and use the water of Nile River to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
Background to the study
While ¾ of the earth are believed to be covered by water, researchers have proven that only 3% of fresh water is salt-free or fresh water. According to Farzaneh R-F, Liz C&Roger M.S (2002), nearly 70% of flesh water is locked in glaciers and is not available for human use. Nonetheless, the available renewable fresh water is unfairly distributed and even threatened by the rapid population growth and human activities pollution. But what countries are the most affected and how does or could that affect other countries?
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA),
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