When you are at sea, you need to dive as deep as possible, also with or without the fins. Sea as you can see looks much more atractive and much nicer than this pool part and it really is. In the sea disciplines bretah-hold divers can experinece one stage of descent in depth which we call free fall and is probably the most beautiful part of breath-hold diving as a sport. What's this all about. You probably all know that when you breathe on the surface you must be positively fairway, you're floating and you can not sink. When you go to dive deep, around 30 meters sea shook your body so much that you become negative fairway, so you start to sink. At that moment you need to relax, let go and literally head down fall on the blue abyss. It is getting darker, it's colder, sea is more and more gripping you, heart beat slower and slower, at great depths below 10 beats per minute, and you are more away from the surface and what you might call the real world. When I told you that probably does not sound like something really nice (laughter), but it really is and it is hard to explain to someone who's never tried it. Let's say it's like a parachute jump, but in slow …show more content…
After all this came the day of making record. Usually when you do a thing like this on that day you are quite nervous and quite anxious and you are thinking of all sort of things and time goes by very very slow. When you are waiting for something, time goes slow, when you hold your breath it goes even more slowly, and when you hold it over the 20 minutes than it really goes slowly. In the process of holding my breath I awakened three things. The first thing is that obviously I can hold my breath for 23 minutes and that I can broke that Guinness record. Another thing is that I never underestimate the records I'm trying to broke, no matter how easy it looks. And the third thing is that I don't overestimate myself when it is not necessary. People usually in their younger days have dreams. And we all once had or still have certain dreams and we dreamed of being something and someone. Usually these dreams later in life slowly disappear and are smaller and smaller because there are always more important things, always is something more important than these dreams that you dreamed as