'R~prttited irom the journai of the Institution of Bnglneers~)vbt (; '3,pt. m 3, Novenibert~82 ' ' UDC 621-16/-17:621/621.9
Water Jet Machining-A State of Art
P K Ray, Associate Member
With the advent of newer materials and intricate shapes of components, unconventional methods ofmatflrial removal have been developed. Water jet machining (WJM) is cne ( 'f such processes of material removal. This paper briefly describes the basicfcatures of WJM, such as, its mechanism of material removal, advantages, and application possibilities.
The principle of rain-erosion phenomenon occuring on high speed aircrafts is welknown and is utilised in high pressure jet -cutting where a high pressure jet of small . diameter is directed at a target material at a high velocity. Water jet cutting (also called water jet machining or WJM) is similar to laser beam machinll1g and electronbeam machining in one respect. Tne srmilaflty lies in concentrating a given amount of energy onto a small point to cause material removal. The kinetic energy possessed by a jet increases in quadrature with the velocity. Hence 111precisIOn jet cutting with small diameter jets, though the mass flow rate is reduced, the kinetic energy possessed by the jet increases with the increase in velocIty imparted by lugh pressure.
erosion pits. Tbus in ductile materials swJace depressions are eroded by the sbearing action of the surface flow. The failure in brittle materials is by fracture where-as that in high strength alloys is pIObably due to fatigue '. When quality cutting is not involved, other mecbanisms contnbute, such as spalllllg cau~ed by stres! waves and the etrect 01 stagnatIon pleS~we caused by the cutt1l1g flUId penenatlllg Ihe CIal.ks and pores. ~ome reseall:hers lee! that lavHatIOn also plays a !Ole 11leroding the target material; it is known that cavitation coHap:>ecan gIve flse to pressures