Nellie Dawn Karafa
Miller-Motte College Online
GS275 SUMid10 Environmental Survey
October 31, 2010
Instructor, Tanya Lee
Water Pollution and Prevention are terms that are used quite often. Polluted waterways have extreme effects on all living organisms. Pollution has been a problem in our world for centuries, and will continue to be a concern. Laws and regulations are an important part of protecting our waterways and living organisms. Organizations and education play key roles in how we can prevent pollution. All of these will be discussed in this article. Water Pollution and Prevention
Water is essential in our everyday life and is something that many humans take for granted and do not fully understand how important water truly is. Humans, animals, and plant life need quality water in order to survive. The question of whether our water sources can continue to provide for all the living organisms on earth does not come with an easy answer. Water systems all over the planet have fell prey to pollution and in a lot of cases have suffered severe losses to animal and plant life as well as ecosystems being completely degraded. Some of these systems have become so polluted that the loss of species is overwhelming, and even irreversible. This is an ongoing problem that we as humans have faced for many years and in all of these cases we have been the main cause of the crisis. If pollution is not cleaned up and prevented, we will not be able to have a sustainable planet. Laws and regulations are just a small part of dealing with this global concern. Prevention is just one measure of how we can save our water systems and provide better lives for all species. There are countless measures that we can take to improve the conditions brought on by water pollution, and there are scores of ways it can be prevented. These methods can benefit our planet as a whole, and lead us to sustainability with our water
References: Countryside & Small Stock Journal, Jan/Feb94, Hazardous Wastes--In Your Home, Ecology Law Quarterly, May 1, 2010, Size, Biology, and Culture: Persistence as an Indicator of Significant Portions of Range under the Endangered Species Act: Environmental Protection Agency: Go Green Initiative, 2007-2010: National Parks: April 1, 2009, Pollution Issues, Reference for Business: Clean Water Act, 2010, Water Encyclopedia Science and Issues: