DOI 10.1007/s12665-009-0267-2
Water quality and relationship between superficial and ground water in Rome (Aniene River basin, central Italy)
Francesco La Vigna Æ Simone Ciadamidaro Æ
Roberto Mazza Æ Laura Mancini
Received: 31 July 2008 / Accepted: 28 July 2009 / Published online: 28 August 2009
Ó Springer-Verlag 2009
Abstract Chemical, physical, and biological features of streams and ground water of the North-Eastern area of
Rome are jointly analyzed in order to assess the status of water resources. Ground water was investigated with classical survey methods (pH, temperature, and electric conductivity). Microbiological pollution, faunal composition, and stream surrounding area conditions of surface waters were studied, in order to quantify the residual value of these ecosystems from both a human and an environmental point of view. Results show a general impairment of the system and the comparison between superficial waters and shallow ground waters makes it possible to detect the presence of a connection between the two levels.
This relationship occurs as an exchange from superficial waters (streams and rivers) to the shallow aquifers. Where superficial waters are contaminated, as in the Tor Sapienza stream, pollutants move to the shallow aquifers too, due to the decreased pressure of the over-exploited aquifer.
Moreover, uncontrolled drilling activity, diffused in urban areas, makes it possible the connection between shallow and deep ground water. Notwithstanding this, the mixing between superficial and deep ground water system in Rome
F. La Vigna (&) Á R. Mazza
Geological Sciences Department,
Applied and Environmental Geology Lab,
RomaTRE University, L.go S.Leonardo Murialdo 1,
00146 Rome, Italy e-mail:
S. Ciadamidaro Á L. Mancini
Italian National Institute of Health—Istituto Superiore di Sanita`,
V.le Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy
S. Ciadamidaro
Department of Animal and Human
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