1. Water Refilling Machine ….…..….……..…................P 250,000.00
(select packaged amount from the given price list)
2. Renovation or new store at least 20sqm size…........75,000.00
3. Delivery vehicle ……..……….......................………….… 75,000.00
(motorcycle with carrier or multi-cab)
4. Business permit & other legal docs…............…..…….10,000.00
(DTI, Mayor’s permit, Water testing, etc.)
5. Initial Supplies /miscellaneous………….….…...............31,750.00
.................a.) 150 Bottles slim ...............................18,750.00
.................b.) 50 Bottles round .................................7,500.00
.................c.) heat gun ............................................2,500.00
.................d.) Stickers .............................................3,000.00
..............................................................Total P 441,750.00
Let say total investment capital of ….......... P 450,000.00
Note: Actual investment may increased or decreased depends on your actual resources…ex.:
a.) less amt. for the delivery vehicle if you already have existing or you can buy 2nd unit.
b.) less amt. for the store buildg. if you have existing
c.) increase or decrease amt. on Refilling equipment, depends on what type of water product you wants to sell.( e.g. Mineral is only P150,000.00 etc.)..............................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Check market price per 5gal. container, price may vary depends on the area, time you use this computation and what type of water product you want to sell) e.g.:
...............Mineral Water..…..P20 ~ P25 per container
...............Purified Water…….P30 ~ P35 per container
...............Alkaline Water…...P45 ~ P50 per container
...............PI Water………….....P200 ~ P250 per container
Type of processed Drinking Water
1.) MONTHLY SALES………………………...........................P39,000.00
1ST 2 Months: Target is at least