After reading this essay, I came to the conclusion that we should pay more care to how we use water because it’s a precious resource, one that may seem plentiful to many of us, but it’s rare enough in some areas of the world. Let us not take water for granted, let us preserve it before it’s too…
Water is one of the most important resources that we as a species need in order to survive. Although it is abundant on earth, only a few bodies of this precious resource are considered drinkable. According to the World Wildlife Fund, about 1.1 billion people lack access to water (2015). Everyday we use water, whether it’s for drinking purposes, going to the bathroom, and many other daily tasks. However, people have abused this privilege in having access to water. Water is unknowingly squandered by situations such as pollution, drought, or straight up negligence in our own homes. If we, as a society do not take any action at all, then our water supply will surely plummet leaving us to live in a catastrophic world. So what can we do to prevent…
As the human population increases, so does our demand for water, around the world this demand has increased and so has the issues of conserving water and preserving it. Public awareness is a growing issue that local government needs to get more involved with. Constant change and every day needs along with the increase in pollution and our standard of living has contributed to this crisis.…
Water scarcity is increasing worldwide and dramatically affecting first world nations such as Spain, Australia, and the United States. All nations are now starting to recognize that the world's water is a finite resource, and that resource is being drastically altered in both availability and quality by development, climate change and population growth. In the United States, the Colorado River is experiencing rapid declines in volume. Recent studies and data suggest that the changes in frequency, intensity, and timing of the availability of water will have substantial impact on the way we live our lives in the 21st century and beyond. As Letmathe Brakeck said, “I am confident that, under present conditions and with the way water is being managed, we will run out of water long before we run out of fuel.”…
California is in a drought and farmers believe our only option is to take water from under the ground. But, groundwater depletion is causing a lot of bad things to happen. It is making the layer of clay above collapse, when the clay collapses the dirt above gives way and sinks. This sinking causes sinkholes and is very dangerous. The sinking also damages pipes, buckles walls of irrigation canals, and cracks homes. Although the sinking is already a big enough threat the water in general could be dangerous. In some cases groundwater becomes contaminated, this occurs when man-made products like gasoline, oil, road salts, and chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become dangerous for us to use. The state of California can prevent groundwater depletion by harvesting stormwater, reusing water, and seawater desalination.…
Aquifers are being depleted at an increasing rate and our water tables are sinking. We must reduce our water usage, while still maintaining our human needs. Fracking must be stopped, not only does it pollute people's drinking water, it also depletes our aquifers. When fracking occurs water is forced way below our water tables, never to be accessed again. IN this age we cannot afford to waste water in that way. Countries living in desert-like conditions should not expand their agriculture. Expanding to the desert will allow for a short time for those countries to be less depend upon others for food sources. However, the aquifers will be depleted and there will be a lack of food left. Countries in areas with water shortages will have to find ways to either farm with minimum water or seek outside assistance. We need to invest in more reach in desalinization. At the moment desalinization is a very expensive option that water companies are beginning to invest in. Governments in countries with few water resources should invest in these practices, even if it is expensive. Running out of water should not be an option. They should invest in more rainwater collection. We need to readdress how we look at the water. It is not necessarily a never ending cycle of harmony, we must invest in…
Do the citizens of the world know that the world’s water is scarce or undrinkable? And if so, what are they doing about it? Although water seems to be everywhere all water is not useable. Even though 71% of the earth is made up of water, water is still scarce in every country; including the United States, according to Williams (2014). California sits right on the Pacific Ocean; however, this water is not consumable and Californians are experiencing a four-year drought. As mentioned by The Water Project (2015), in developing countries, either the quantity of water is significantly scarce or the quality of safe drinking water is insufficient, thus creating a water shortage. When the water crisis is mentioned two terms are associated with it: water stress and water access. According to the European Environment Agency ([EEA], 2015), water stress exists when…
Recently, in the United States, there has been a major water shortage due to the lack of rainfall. It is mainly in California and other Western states. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, “In 119 years of recorded history, 2013 was the dries calendar year for the state of California.” California’s snowpack usually provides about one-third of the water used in Californian farms and cities. In January 2014, it measured in at 12%. The water shortage has had many effects of people, farming, and the economy.…
Two years ago, when I was in high school, our social science teacher told us there had a serious drought in Southern California. Most of us did not know anything about it and we felt so surprised about this new. Today, when I heard this new again, I can’t believe that the drought still exist in Southern California, I thought it already solved by the government because it had been two years when I heard this new. From most of my research, it said that it had been fourth year for California to have the drought. Water supply is no longer enough in California, our government was trying to think a best useful way to solve this problem. Some people think that desalination is a good solution because it cost less money and can also recycle the energy.…
It takes less than a week for a human to die from lack of water. Water is the single most important substance on the planet; without it, life could not exist. It's as necessary for humans as oxygen. Unfortunately, the amount of fresh, clean water that is readily available for human use is diminishing at an alarming rate. Currently, one sixth of the world's population, over one billion people, do not have access to adequate drinking water. What's more, corporations and other private entities are buying up the world's fresh water and charging for it. If this is allowed to continue, many people will not have access to what fresh water remains because they will not be able to afford it.…
At the World Water Forum, the key message was: There is probably enough fresh water available to meet human needs, despite climate change and population growth. However, the problem is poor management of water, which results in scarcity and conflict. I agree with this message that was brought up during the forum because there can still be a good amount of water for everyone, it's just some people take for granted that they waste the water and they think that’s not making a negative impact on the world. If they just keep on doing what they are doing our water supply will decrease drastically.…
Globally, more people have access to cellphones than sanitary water to drink. Even though seventy-five percent of the world's surface is water, ninety-seven percent is salt water and isn't drinkable. Out of the three percent left, two percent is frozen in glaciers so that leaves the last one percent for transport, cooling and heating, drinking and other daily activities. One in ten people lack access to clean, drinkable water. Not only do many people lack sanitary water, around one hundred sixty million drink the unsanitary water and become very sick. Although the water that they drink will make them very sick women and children will walk around 6 hours a day getting unsanitary water. The water crisis is the number one problem in society. Although many solutions are out there they…
Desalination is already happening in many counties including China, Japan, Spain, Italy and Australia. In Australia, many towns and cities are already using desalinated water. Even if all the world’s water was produced through desalination there would be an almost inexhaustible supply. Out of all the water in the world, 97.5% of that is salt water and only 2.5% is fresh water. Less than 15 of the fresh water accessible. That’s why desalination would help to solve the water crisis because we have so much salt water. Humans can’t drink salt water. That’s why we need desalination plants to get rid of the salt so we can drink the water. Desalination is a great idea to help solve Australia’s water…
It is commonly accepted by many that the world faces a crisis over restrictions on water supply and we cannot continue to expect water to be a finite resource. According to A. Kirby (2000), the earth is covered by water in approximately two thirds of its surface. However, the vast majority of this water is too salty to use and, alarmingly, there is only 2.5% of it available for consumption by the human species. Furthermore, two thirds of that small percentage is locked in the icecaps and glaciers and with only 0.08% of supply accessible a picture begins to emerge of the challenges facing the world. Humans utilise approximately 70% of its water supply in developing its agriculture and related activities but the World Water Council has stated that it believes this figure could rise by up to 17% by the end of 2020. It could be argued that in ten years time millions of lives could be at risk because of the careless nature of our attitude to the production, treatment and consumption of water. Even in the present day it is estimated that approximately 30,000 children in poor and third world countries are dying each year from diseases directly related to the transfer and storage of water. The world’s water shortage issues have arisen because of the people who live in it, the rise in their population but most importantly their waste of this product. Overpopulation is another problem which causes water shortages.…
Accessibility to education is one of the main advantages to present day education. In the past education was only for the wealthy .The poor were not given an opportunity to improve their lot in life. Females were also denied an education by virtue of the "fact" they would get married and so an education would be "wasted" on females. As North America was settled children were pulled from schools during the harvesting season or as needed, to work the farm. Summers off were no vacation period for students, it was a time to help with farm work instead of hiring farm hands. Children in most, if not all developing countries have mandatory education for all children, regardless of their abilities .In the past children with special needs were hidden away and forgotten. Society, in general tries to encourage developing nations to provide even basic education for its people .Modern society recognizes the importance of education. Today we realize that an education translates into opportunity and hope for the future .The ability to get an education, to foster creativity and curiosity, to seek answers will allow mankind to continue to grow. Today we try to encourage all children to reach for their fullest potential. Teachers are better qualified .No longer can a child, barely in their teens, become a teacher. The one room classroom is fortunately a thing of the past. The computer, libraries and ready access to information have all contributed to the ability to learn outside of the traditional classroom. On line and distance education have changed the face of what a classroom is. I'm glad that I was born when I was and am thankful my children and grandchildren will have more opportunities in life due to the fact they are able to get a good…