Since the early years of the 1700’s, San Antonio water supply came from its fresh sources; such as, the Olmos Creek and from one of the most famous river in Texas, the San Antonio River. But in nowadays, new sources of fresh drinkable water had to be found or build, mainly because the rapid growth it’s population and San Antonio as a whole. At the present moment San Antonio gets its fresh water supply from eight different sorceries and one the most important is definitely the Edwards Aquifer, which supplies fresh drinkable water to over two million South and Central Texans residents. In the past couple of years, San Antonio; as well as, the State of Texas, has been struggling with drought and other water related problems; such as, the dramatic drop in the water levels. A wise man once said “You won’t miss your water until your well runs dry” (Nesta Robert Marley). This inconvenient truth can be applied to many things in life, especially when it comes to deal with the water problems that San Antonio faces at the moment. Since San Antonio Edwards Aquifer level reaches 650 feet water levels a “Stage 2” restrictions have been implement in order to help prevent a worst case scenario. In addition to the alarming fact that water levels have been dropping every year and not as much rain have been falling in San Antonio, Texas is one of the most driest states in the United States. Droughts are a constant concern for the agriculture sector, and water plays a major role when it comes to economic growth; even though, many may thing its impact may be insignificant. A city without water it’s a desert, a colourful city is a well-nurtured city, and a well-nurtured city relays in water to sustain its colours and to survive as a metropolitan city. Simple and quite non-expensive solutions and innovations can be adopted by the City of San Antonio in order to solve its water problems. Solutions and innovations that are already available
Since the early years of the 1700’s, San Antonio water supply came from its fresh sources; such as, the Olmos Creek and from one of the most famous river in Texas, the San Antonio River. But in nowadays, new sources of fresh drinkable water had to be found or build, mainly because the rapid growth it’s population and San Antonio as a whole. At the present moment San Antonio gets its fresh water supply from eight different sorceries and one the most important is definitely the Edwards Aquifer, which supplies fresh drinkable water to over two million South and Central Texans residents. In the past couple of years, San Antonio; as well as, the State of Texas, has been struggling with drought and other water related problems; such as, the dramatic drop in the water levels. A wise man once said “You won’t miss your water until your well runs dry” (Nesta Robert Marley). This inconvenient truth can be applied to many things in life, especially when it comes to deal with the water problems that San Antonio faces at the moment. Since San Antonio Edwards Aquifer level reaches 650 feet water levels a “Stage 2” restrictions have been implement in order to help prevent a worst case scenario. In addition to the alarming fact that water levels have been dropping every year and not as much rain have been falling in San Antonio, Texas is one of the most driest states in the United States. Droughts are a constant concern for the agriculture sector, and water plays a major role when it comes to economic growth; even though, many may thing its impact may be insignificant. A city without water it’s a desert, a colourful city is a well-nurtured city, and a well-nurtured city relays in water to sustain its colours and to survive as a metropolitan city. Simple and quite non-expensive solutions and innovations can be adopted by the City of San Antonio in order to solve its water problems. Solutions and innovations that are already available