Watty Piper is best known for his version of the Little Engine That Could. Though there is much controversy on the original author of this children's classic, Watty Piper tale encouraged children with the Little Engine’s affirmation of “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”. This affirmation is what is remember still today from the 1930 classic children's story.
What do you speak to yourself? What are you allowing others to speak to you?
It is time to write or update your affirmation. My definition of an affirmation is a series of affirming or encouraging words that speak about you and where you are going. Part of my personal affirmation is: "Working on purpose.
Walking by faith.
Ordered my the Master to take my rightful place." …show more content…
In creating or updating your affirmation, start by writing verbs that relate to you and where you are going.
I encourage you to use this original affirmation that I wrote for you. Own it. Make it your own until you fine tune your affirmation.
Original Affirmation
I am not stuck and this is not luck.
I am moving to the next level with strength and power. The plan is laid and the vision is clear.
This will be my very best year.
Read aloud your affirmation three times throughout the day.