Exam is a thing who can measure your speed of your study in a good or bad. You have in good how to improve in better position and bad how to improve the study. There is many exams upcoming in your life such in a class exam, college exam or in a life exam. You have to improve your life exam in better position. You have to improve your study, exam and so on. Exam is very stressful moment in your life. In exam time also you think about your grades.
First of all, you have to improve your study and practice also how to start in exam also. I have some moments in exam hall like showing in a clock can I finish this exam in this time or not, thirsty situation, nervous and so on. In exam time we have very stressful situation, joyful moment, thinking about your exam and so on. There is different ways how to prepare for exam like study harder, practice in a free time, carry a book for read in a peace place, concentrate in your class, concentrate in the teacher speaking , take tuition from your teacher or a friend who is good in the study and take a break also for the brain. We can study hard in a class or in a room can take help from your friend or from professors also.
Concentrate- Concentrate is known as to concentrate in your mind in a study or anywhere like in meditation hall or in a movie theater and so on. We have to take a time for how to concentrate in a book of any subject or out book also. If you are in class concentrate in voice of teacher. Main thing is voice if you raise your voice you can do the thing you can.
Give the break- you have to take a break for free you mind from the books from the study hall or from the room. Take normally one hour break you can watch the short movies, listen the music also can give freshness in your mind also in your body.
Take tuition- If you want to take the tuition for your study. Tuition is also revised your study from any one in your house or from the own teachers also. Tuition also can