You do not have to do without to achieve these savings. There is now an energy efficient alternative for almost every kind of appliance or light fixture. That means that consumers have a real choice and the power to change their energy use on a revolutionary scale.
The average American produces about 40,000 pounds of CO2 emissions per year. Together, we use nearly a million dollars worth of energy every minute, night and day, every day of the year.
In the summer, when the air is humid, the temperature is at it's highest, and your sitting at home sweating because you can't afford to pay for your air conditioning electric needs. You can simply create a one time, simple solution, that will last you forever. Also saving, and preserving the very planet that you live in. By conserving energy, and even producing it yourself you help earth stay the way it is now. Global Warming is pushing our planet to it's limits. If left unchecked the sea level rise of 40 feet can be expected somewhere in the not so distant future.
Here are a few more simple ways to conserve energy:
•Do not leave your Air Conditioner on while you are out or it is simply not needed. In fact it is estimated that your Air Conditioner wastes about $0.25 worth of energy in one hour.
•A simple thing as a light switch can effect your consumption rate. Buy a dimmer, which allows you to select the brightness of your light. Which can help you use less of energy but not turning the light bulb on all the way.
•Purchase fluorescent light bulbs. They not only are brighter, but they also last up to 10 times longer then a usual bulb while consuming a quarter of the power.
•Insulate your windows. Heat can easily escape your