“Each year hundreds of thousands of people attempt to enter the United States from Mexico without authorization by crossing desert on foot or using false identification at ports of entry”(De Leon). Even though the U.S. spends millions of dollars yearly it is not enough for them to stop contraband and law breakers. The border is one of the most dangerous places where people get robbed, raped and killed when they don’t collaborate for what they are asking. Many of the cartels have have made their way to bring their product through the borders by creating tunnels and finding other ways to transport. What people don’t know is that military personal are collaborating to help illegal immigrants enter the border. They charge between $7,000 to $10,000 thousand dollars depending on how the situation is on the border or maybe whom they need to pay for their collaboration. What the U.S needs to do is to be stricter on military staff who are the first ones to break the laws and disregard the American…
A fence along the U.S. and Mexico border is a good solution to illegal immigration. This is because it will greatly decrease the number of illegal immigrants coming into America each year. It is estimated that 700,000 illegal immigrants enter our country each year. ( The fence could greatly lower these numbers if built. Not only will it make America seem less inviting, it will be a lot easier to keep individuals who refuse to enter legally out of America. There are legal and proper ways to enter America for a reason; the fence will help enforce them.…
Voters required to dip their index fingers in a waterproof dye as they cast their vote. Mexico has required a government issued voter ID for several years now. With our advanced technology we don’t need purple dye. Voter fraud is generally only detected after the fact, if at all and investigating and prosecuting election crimes is difficult and costly (Lee Suevon). It’s far better to prevent fraudulent voting than to track it down after the votes have already been counted. The US can provide for a near flawless election process by utilizing tools already in place and adding some technology upgrades. With voter ID being mandatory the not only would voter fraud be more difficult to do but it would also prevent the time and money spent to find…
Solving illegal immigration is by no means a small feat. It can be a very sensitive topic for many people from both the US and Mexico. The Bush Administration has developed the guest worker program. The guest worker program grants temporary legal status for a foreigner, allowing he or she to work. A great deal of difficulty lies in creating a plan than is a win-win scenario for both countries' citizens. To completely open our borders to all immigrants can pose great threat not only to America's safety but to the economy as well. Then again, to close them entirely would be a very unpopular solution for most in addition to a possible negative economic ripple.…
The two solutions to solve the immigration problem in the United States is earning citizenship and improving the border security. In the article, How to Fix Illegal Immigration? Earned Citizenship by D. Griswald, the author suggests that the first steps to solve the immigration problem in the United States “is to provide a pathway to citizenship” (Griswald 1) in order to solve the immigration problem we need to first address the issue that's in our borders before we can address the immigrants outside our borders, to solve the issue of the undocumented immigrants in our borders we can't just deport them all, because that would be cruel and nearly impossible, and the only solution we are left with is earned citizenship. The author says the United…
End Birthright Citizenship Soon 1.) If we want to heed to the people who respect the process, we must encourage them to do so. Otherwise no matter if we build a more effective wall…
In the U.S. census data the poverty rate for Hispanic is at 25.8% and for African Americans is 23.3%. Since poverty rates are so high many citizen might find it finically difficult obtain an identification card. The state of Texas says they will issue you an id for free if being used to vote but in order to obtain this id you must have a birth certificated that cost around 22 dollars. Numerous citizens work for hourly wages so they may not have the time to go to a DPS office. Texas has DMV offices in only 81 of 254 counties in the state which means many citizens would have to drive up to 250 miles to obtain a new voter ID. Few of these citizens might not own a vehicle and rely on public transportation so this trip could be out of the question. Since this would become a problem many of these citizens will just not vote because the hassle is too great. According to the statics would cause great harm for the Hispanic, African American and low income voters which are more likely to vote democratic than republican.…
Many believe that foreign individuals have no right to share their opinion. Because the election is only for those who are American citizens. Others say foreign should participate in the election because they work and pay taxes like the rest and are entitled to the same privileges. They say it is even a bit racist and the Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said,”denied that Voter identification laws and other suppression laws are racist, calling such restrictions necessary because voting should be done by the right people”.The right to vote is recognized as human right, unfortunately it is no longer enforced for millions of individuals around the…
Immigration Policies Lots of people cross the borders illegally just to find a job, better opportunities, or they don´t like their own country because of the costs or lack of options to do with their life. Immigration policies should be payed attention to more considered to be changed for our government so it keeps people from doing things illegally. Immigration policies should be changed because the layout of the government and opportunities aren't enough, the expenses are too high, and the jobs and education are better. One reason why immigration policies should be changed is because of the layout of the government and its opportunities.…
We should offer more jobs and work with different organizations to build a stronger economy. Giving people a chance to work for themselves instead of giving them the things they need.…
The United States of America is not just a country, but it is a idea that millions have fought for throughout history, built on the back of many immigrant backgrounds, it is the melting pot of the Western world. Having the 3rd largest population in all of the world, there is going be debates on many controversial issues. The main debate in domestic terms is about either deporting an estimated 8-11 million undocumented illegal aliens,whose only premise is to seek a better life. Many will say deport them as they are breaking many laws on the way to the United States,instead having them do it the legal way.Unfortunately they are forced to come in illegally and become an integral part of the economy and country. There has to be immigration reform…
Today our nation is faced with many problems and one that seems to stand out is an immigration reform. Many of those who reside in the U.S may not see it as a big issue, but in reality it really is. An immigration reform would not only help our nation’s struggling economy but it will also allow our government to keep better track of its residents given us a sense of higher security. Those who oppose such reform fear it will only serve to decrease job opportunities due to the increase in completion for places and ultimately burry us deeper in this troubling economy but with an immigration reform, there would be a stop to the separation of families, a boost to the economy and nation’s security will also have its benefits.…
Have we really become that selfish of a nation to just disregard the reasons immigrants migrate from their birth countries? So just because they were not born in this country, we should not be protective of their rights as human beings? How about the fact that society has even categorized these individuals with the label of immigrant, for me, we are not living up to the American standard of peace & equality for all. The current treatment of immigrants is very unjust, being that there are so many different obstacles set forth by both Federal and State enforcement agencies. I intend to unveil the political biases, discrepancies, and flaws of all schools of thought on the past and current proposed immigration reform. This country is in need of an immigration reform that will protect the individual rights of humanity while ensuring the safety, fairness and reasonableness of all parties, at all times.…
Immigration Reform is obviously a big issue in America today. I mean everywhere you go; you either see something about or read about it. There is no exact number as to how many illegal immigrants cross the border, but it is estimated to be around 11 to 12 million. This has become a major political and social issue because of the continued flow of illegal immigrants. There is nothing really around that will stop this problem. Nothing has really been done, I mean there are borders and all, but who watches the borders to stop the immigration and even so there is no one there to protect the people who are there trying to prevent it. Anything can happen to the people who are watching the borders such as being shot at and things of the nature, just so people can cross over to have a better life without having to go through all the paper work. Personally, I feel as though the Immigration Reform legislation that was introduced earlier this year is a good idea or at least a good start to our problem. Like everything else in the world, though, it is not perfect and definitely has its flaws. I agree with the general idea of the proposal, but as I said before there are still some flaws with it. With a few changes and clarifications, I feel that the proposal will definitely be a good start to ending illegal immigration.…
The United States has an estimated amount of 11 million illegal immigrants. All across America are families undocumented hoping for a better life. The United States is a country of opportunity, a land of the free and a home of the brave. That explains why the immigration reform should take an initiative and take action. There have been several beliefs as in who originated in America, like the founding population of today’s Native Americans. America’s diversity spans a wide range of different peoples from various parts of the world. Throughout my research U.S Immigration has been around since 1740’s (and beyond) till now. The immigration reform can start by granting undocumented immigrants their citizenship; establish and improvement of the arguments in legalizing illegal immigrants, and an explanation on why this should be fought for.…