Contact Hours/Week L 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 T 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 Total 2 4 4 4 4 18 3 3 4 10 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 4 32
Credit Points
C. 9 10
Chemistry -1 (Gr-B) / Physics – 1 (Gr-A) Mathematics-1 Basic Electrical & Electronic Engineering – 1 (GrA+GrB) ME101 Engg. Mechanics Total of Theory PRACTICAL PH191/ Chemistry -1 (Gr-B)/ CH191 Physics – 1 (Gr-A) ES191 Basic Electrical & Electronic Engineering -1 ME191 Engg Drawing & Computer Graphics (Gr-B) /192 / Workshop Practice (Gr-A) Total of Practical SESSIONAL HU181 Language Laboratory XC181 Extra Curricular Activities(NSS/NCC/NSO etc) Total of Sessional Total of Semester
2 4 4 4 4 18 2 2 3 7 1 1 2 27
Physics based branches divided in to Gr-A & Gr-B, Gr-A= Phys in sem-I , Gr-B = Phys in sem-II; Chemistry based branches Physics in sem-1. Group division: Group-A: Chemistry based subjects: [Bio-Technology, Food Technology, Leather Technology, Textile Technology, Ceramic Technology, Chemical Engineering and any other Engineering that chooses to be Chemistry based] + Physics based subjects: [Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Civil Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Marine Engineering, Apparel Production Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology.] Group-B: All Physics based subjects which are also Electrical & Electronics based [Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Power Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Engineering]
First Year Second Semester A. THEORY Field Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 CS201 PH201/ CH201 M201 ES201 ME201 Basic Computation & Principles of Computer Programming Physics - 1(Gr-B) /
References: : 1 2 31 Practical Basic Science Basic Computation & Principles of Computer Programming Lab Code: CS 291 Contacts: Credits: 2 Exercises should include but not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DOS System commands and Editors ( Preliminaries) UNIX system commands and vi ( Preliminaries) Simple Programs: simple and compound interest. To check whether a given number is a palindrome or not, evaluate summation series, factorial of a number , generate Pascal’s triangle, find roots of a quadratic equation Programs to demonstrate control structure : text processing, use of break and continue, etc. Programs involving functions and recursion Programs involving the use of arrays with subscripts and pointers Programs using structures and files. Chemistry-1(Gr-B/Gr-A) Code: CH291 Contacts: Credits: 2 Or Physics-1(Gr-A/Gr-B) Code: PH291 Contacts: Credits: 2 Engineering Science Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering-II Code: ES291 Contacts: Credits: 2 Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory-II List of Experiments: Sl. No Name of the Experiments 1. Calibration of ammeter and voltmeter. 2. Open circuit and Short circuit test of a single phase Transformer. 3. No load characteristics of D.C shunt Generators 4. Starting and reversing of speed of a D.C. shunt 5. Speed control of DC shunt motor. 6. Measurement of power in a three phase circuit by two wattmeter method. Basic Electronics Engineering Laboratory-II There will be a couple of familiarization lectures before the practical classes are undertaken where basic concept of the instruments handled will be given. 3 hours per week must be kept, initially for practical lectures, and later for tutorials. 32 List of Experiments: 1.Study of I-V characteristics of Field Effect Transistors. 2.Determination of input-offset voltage, input bias current and Slew rate of OPAMPs. 3.Determination of Common-mode Rejection ratio, Bandwidth and Off-set null of OPAMPs. 4.Study of OPAMP circuits: Inverting and Non-inverting amplifiers, Adders, Integrators and Differentiators. 5.Study of Logic Gates and realization of Boolean functions using Logic Gates. 6.Study of Characteristic curves for CB, CE and CC mode transistors. Engineering Drawing & Computer Graphics(Gr-B/Gr-A) Code: ME291 Contacts: Credits: 3 Or Workshop Practice(Gr-A/Gr-B) Code: ME292 Contacts: Credits: 3 33