David had younger siblings who were murdered with David from being gassed. One of the biggest obstacles …show more content…
Unfortunately, today David is not known very well but, he was very important to his family. Other than the fact that he journaled his life, He was not very critical and this is why the majority of people do not know who David is. The Germans detested David, and the only reason was that he was a Jew. Grievously, David only lived to be fifteen, so he did not have a field of specialty. However, when David was alive he felt the responsibility to protect his family.
The fact that he did not betray his God, and tried to be kind to others even though he was treated unjustly makes me admire David’s life. Almost every day, David prayed to God up until the time of his departure from this life, which would be tremendously difficult considering his circumstances. I not only admire David but all of the other Jews as well. There are countless others who died the same way as David and we don’t even know most of their names. Therefore, I admire all of the Jews that were being forced to live under Hitler’s rules and still managed to maintain their