The book focuses on three friends: Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt. These three students all met at the “University of High School” during this time they made a friendship pact to get through life itself. All three kids grew up as members of low income families so it was very hard to get the things they wanted. Every time one of these kids were to get in trouble I would think positive for them because I like these characters. Their story can help inspire others with a similar problem. All three are the same to me, they are all very kind but can also take charge when needed. There were many hardships they managed to slip by but others were so grateful. There were times that they wanted to give up but they didn't and successfully made it through to be doctors.
This is personally one of my favorite books, I don't read much but after reading this book it gives me motivation to accomplish things. There is not one part that will bore you while reading this selection. It's a great