
We Grow Accustomed To The Dark

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We Grow Accustomed To The Dark
Apparently I need a hook sentence or something but I’m not giving you one. Just be bored to death and give me an A. Vague statements in literature can always be interpretated differently by different people. Some statements like for example in Emily Dickinsons poem ‘We Grow Accustomed to the Dark’, in stanza 4 ;
“The Bravest- grope a little- And sometimes hit a Tree Directly in the Forehead- But as they learn to see-” This stanza can be interpreted differently. It could be referring to a blind person feeling around their surroundings to see. Or another example can be a person going through life not knowing anything because after all we all are just like blind people going through life. Anything can happen in an instant it can be all gone
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Some poems are short and some are long. For some poems it’s easy to find what the poet is talking about and for some it’s either vague or can mean different things. In we grow accustomed to the dark by Emily Dickinson the poet describes how in the dark we can either get used to the dark thinking it’s light or just remain in the dark forever never finding that light. Emily was slowly losing vision due to straining her eyes and sometimes the fear of losing something gets you thinking. It gets you thinking of how important the thing you’re losing really is. Having something as important as your sight being slowly taken away gets you thinking how long until it’s completely dark and her being a poet wrote two poems about it. ‘We Grow Accustomed to the Dark’ and ‘Before I Got My Eye Put Out’. In ‘Before I Got My Eye Put Out’ she tells of how she was able to see all these things that seemed ordinary to her as to the other one it shows that she is now used to the dark and thinks it’s not dark but a new light. In a way both poems is kinda like grieving over someone who has died. First you mourn and remember how it all used to be before and you miss then and then after you get used to them not being around and don’t mind it much

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