A Dilemma for a Ku Klux Klan Member
Introduction to Literature
Race is a very complex and conflicted issue that has faced our country for quite sometime. The influence of racism and racial prejudice is constantly reflected throughout many different means; media, music, and literature (Brown, 1999). Racism is an attitude, an action, or an institutional organization that subordinates individuals or groups of individuals because of physical characters, such as skin color and body features (Brown, 1999, p.88). Racism has also been thought of a multidimensional construct in that the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspect of one 's personality is targeted to negatively influence other lives.
There are many white supremacy groups that are changing as their culture is transforming into decentralized and non-traditional organizations. Their have been a modification in the individuals allowed to join these groups, how these groups operate, and the possibility of getting out once a member (Kreger, 2003). Youth and college educated members are becoming more well-known in the culture, as well as a rise in female indoctrination into more and more white supremacy groups (Kreger, 2003).
About 25,000 Americans can be considered hardcore ideological activists for the white supremacy movement which only counts for a small portion of the white population (Blee, 2002). There are close to 300 white cultural and religious organizations, yet none of the orders seem to compare. The following is a list of the current and major active white supremacy groups:
Aryan Nation
The Holy Order
The Silent Brotherhood
Church of the Creator
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Neo-Nazi Party
United Whites Peoples ' Party
These groups have been known to have great hate for all who are not white and have strong philosophies on white ethnicity and orientation (Blee, 2002). Different
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