In the book Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck he uses imagery throughout the book. Such as during chapter 11, when he describes all the empty land and houses. The reader sees the houses spread across the land and witnesses the shingles being torn off and the dust invading every crevice. The read feels a sort of sadness for the emptiness of it all. On pages 149-150 the imagery allows the reader to view how the house slowly deteriorates.…
Inside the barn, they find a boy and his father, who are in quite a predicament. "Las ' night I went an ' bust a winda an ' stoled some bread. Made 'im chew 'er down. But he puked it all up, an ' then he was weaker. Got to have soup or milk. You folks got money to git milk?" (Page 580) The Joads have no money, but ma and Rose of Sharon come up with a solution. "…Rose of Sharon loosened one side of the blanket and bared her breast…" (Page 581). Before everything that had happened, Rose of Sharon would never have breast fed someone she didn 't know, even someone she did know for that matter. But hardship and oppression have changed her. She now has empathy for those who have…
In chapter 30 mans unity, hope, survival is tested along with woman’s strength, individuality Vs. Society and the multiplying effects of selfishness. Times are hard and people are challenged by the force of time. As the Joad family is in California they are hit by a massive rain storm, the storm causes the Joads to lose there car and run for shelter. Not only is there day bad enough but Rose of Sharon loses her baby at birth.…
Steinbeck uses symbolism to portray the allusion of the individual turtle’s straightforward actions to that of the hardships of the migrant worker’s journey to California. The wild oat symbolizes an obstacle that the turtle faced, originally being carried along with the turtle; A burden being carried in this instance. The spearhead seeds “stuck” in the ground from this burden, which conveys the idea of a permanent legacy being left behind, evidence that he overcame such. The turtle continues his journey despite the intentions of the truck driver who previously intentionally attempted to steer his journey of course, leaving behind with him a shallow trench in the dust. The tracks the turtle leaves behind is the physical evidence of the turtle’s…
With the family traveling together, it's evident that migration is a change that is supported and has to be overcome. And although the outcome of migration is suppose to be glorious, the journey to achieved the so call promise land gives the family a brutal beating of struggle, hunger, and even death. Granpa and Granma died due to lack of health and high heat, but then again the conditions were somewhat the same in Sallisaw. Then there was also the death of the Joads dog. With migration, the Joads needed leaders and this is where characters such as Tom and Ma come into play as the heads of the family. Tom in a way leads the men, especially…
In The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, Steinbeck presents the migrant farmers of the Dustbowl Migration to the general public through the Joad family; a family whom faces discrimination and blind hate from the Californians. Steinbeck touches the subject of personal, social, and economic interconnection during that time period through the action of the Joads and the people they encounter.…
In The Grapes of Wrath, Ma is without doubt the one who holds the Joad family together because she is the primary caretaker of everybody in the family and constantly pushes them until they achieve work and suitable living conditions.…
While reading The Grapes of Wrath, readers surely immerse themselves into the novel and are easily captivated by Steinbeck’s immense details and enthralling plot line. We follow the Joad family as they travel cross-country during the Great Depression, and we learn about each of the characters individually. Rose of Sharon, for example, is first brought up at an early stage of her pregnancy. She had high hopes and aspirations for her family-to-be. It could have been recognized as though her wants were only for her personal interests, yet she was childbearing and had inescapable heartfelt dreams she couldn’t be reprimanded for. Although there weren’t many materialistic riches for the Joads, Rose of Sharon’s richness…
Description: Ma is the strength of the family, she pushes them along not letting them go their separate ways. She is also strong because she was able to stay quiet when she knew Granma Joad died. She stayed strong so that they could get passed the federal inspection. Even when Pa Joad couldn’t lead the family she pushed through and led them herself with her strength.…
America is eminence for being an area opportunity; be that as it may, there were crossroads in the nation's history where opportunity was not generally accessible. America's poor frequently played the session of survival of the fittest. This diversion highlighted settlers coming to America bearing in mind the end goal to experience the American Dream and ranchers moving starting with one rural scene then onto the next amid cruel developing seasons. Couple of mediums have possessed the capacity to catch the sum of the fatigued worker and the modest rancher's experience like the books The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. These books contain an irrefutable similitude in its tragedies and shameful acts, which…
The dust bowl was a tragic time in America for so many families and John Steinbeck does a great job at getting up-close and personal with one family to show these tragedies. In the novel, “The Grapes of Wrath”, John Steinbeck employed a variety of rhetorical devices, such as asyndeton, personification and simile, in order to persuade his readers to enact positive change from the turmoil of the Great Depression. Throughout the novel, Steinbeck tells the fictional narrative of Tom Joad and his family, while exploring social issues and the hardships of families who had to endure the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. Steinbeck’s purpose was to challenge readers to look at the harsh realities around them for “the purpose of improvement”. The rhetorical strategies used in the “Grapes of Wrath” elicit a deeper understanding from its readers for the hardships these migrants faced and helped them to fight for a better way. (John Steinbeck, "Banquet Speech," Nobel Foundation,, Accessed 30 August 2013.)…
Ma is the main member of the Joad family to demonstrate loyalty. Ma is the typical mother in the era of The Grapes of Wrath. She does all the cooking and the cleaning, but she is dedicated and loyal to her family. She would not let anyone destroy the bond of the Joad family. This is demonstrated when Ma makes the decision for the family when they are stranded because their car broke down after they met the Wilsons. Tom has the idea to leave him and someone else behind to…
He says this to Tom and at the same time the turtle still struggles to escape toms jacket.…
We walk a fine line between man’s desire to gain riches versus our sympathetic tendencies and want to help other people. Fame, power, land, riches, good-looking women, what else could a man want in his life?! Sometimes we lose what makes, and keeps, us human. Our sympathy and desire to help others, people and animals alike, is one thing that separates us from common mammals and other creatures. Humanity’s fight of the goodness of man versus his greed for power and riches is the main topic of The Grapes of Wrath.…
The most common theme I noticed throughout The Grapes of Wrath was poverty. Poverty struck the Joad family and changed everything for them. Granted, poverty was caused by environmental issues and by the economy, but either way poverty is a constant struggle in humanity. In this book the Joad family is forced to leave their land, leave family behind, and change their way of life. At the end of the day all they are left is the hope to survive another day, and maybe...just maybe that someday things will be better.…