
Weak Actions Of Lady Macbeth

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Weak Actions Of Lady Macbeth
Macbeth In the play, Macbeth, weak actions were shown plenty by Lady Macbeth. Guilty of many murders along with her husband Macbeth, It showed the reader's Lady Macbeth lacking in strength by the actions she takes. Lady Macbeth is weak because she doesn't have the strength to kill King Duncan, hiding behind the guilt of killing people and the thought of her sleeping father during the murder of King Duncan. During the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth had a set idea to have her husband, Macbeth, kill King Duncan. This was one out of many weak actions Lady Macbeth had because she was questioning Macbeth's manhood, when in reality, she could not get herself to come to that conclusion. Praying to the mighty spirits is what Lady Macbeth

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