From a young age Ning Lao Tai-tai was a very active young girl, so her feet were not officially bound until she was seven years old. Foot binding originated in Imperial China around the tenth-eleventh century. As her older sister, Ning Lao Tai-tai got married when she was fifteen, to a man older than her. Ning Lao Tai-tai gives birth to a total of four children, three living to adulthood, two daughters and a son. Ning Lao Tai-tai resembled her grandfather, in regards to their square faces. Ning Lao Tai-tai lived as a daughter, a wife, a concubine, a mother, and a servant. Throughout her life she worked, she was homeless, and she was feeble.…
Chang’an, literally meaning “constant peace”, was the most cosmopolitan city in the world during the Post Classical Era and the best known segment of the Silk Road. With a population of about two million at its largest, Chang’an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, was a major conduit for China’s second Golden Age. Although Chang’an was a cultural melting pot influenced by foreigners such as the Turks and Indians, it was economically, politically, and socially unique. Economically, the Equal Field System, Grand Canal, production of high-demand crops, and market places allowed the government to prosper and the general wealth of the city to flourish, while contributing to trade. Politically, the Tang dynasty, along with its court and bureaucratic approach based on merit, enabled Chang’an to attain peace and organization. Socially, Chang’an’s contributions to Buddhism, formation of Neo- Confucianism, and arts created a dynamic culture.…
- Ancient people had to appease the gods by making human or animal sacrifices in order to prevent natural disasters from happening.…
Unlike European industrializing power, China industrialized while relatively remote from other industrial nations, allowing it to develop its own strand of industrialization. Before industrialization, the humiliating practice of foot binding was very popular. Girls were often victims of infanticide, as boys could grow up to become government officials whereas girls would be married and become subservient to another family. Population growth in China caused by industrialization led to social change, and social revolution came in the form of the Taiping program, which decreed that men and women were equal. Though quickly put down, this showed that on the small scale, Chinese women were gaining more rights and independence, and a many people believed that they should no longer be treated as subservient…
The Chinese practiced foot binding for over a thousand years in the Song and T’ang dynasties. Some people found it very cruel, and then some found it fascinating. The ‘Golden Lotuses’ were the art and symbol for the wealth and beauty of ancient China. For any other culture, one would ask what foot binding is? Or, how did foot binding in Ancient China compare to John Fairbank’s text “Footbinding”? Also, how does the history of ancient China and Fairbank’s text differ and how are they similar? Then, how can foot binding be defended? In this paper, one will be able to understand the cultural significance of foot binding.…
Footbinding covered all aspect of the core social, political, moral, and economic institution of Chinese society:”The Chinese family was both the root and microcosm of a highly centralized and stratified political system. “The root of the empire is in the state” … The root of the state is in the family” (Greenhalgh 11). “Feet and shoe were advertisement for upbringing, cultural level and accomplishment, family background and temperament. Impossibly small, these feet were originally a source of great pride. Small feet added prestige to a family” (Ross…
In the Middle Ages, China was known for many things. Medieval China had many unique culture, social, and economic characterizations. Some of these are how they dress, what they eat, what music they listen to, ect. Also what happened, what did they do in the China in the Middle Ages…
The Chinese Empire started declining throughout the whole nineteenth century while the West began rising since the Industrial Revolution and expanding its imperial world at the same time. With colonial expansion, Europeans were actively looking for trade privileges with the world biggest world’s market, China. However, the latter’s reluctance to be involved in direct trade with the West generated the discontent of Europeans and contributed to negative ideas of China. Also the victory of Great Britain over China during the Opium War strengthened the bad perceptions of the West. Thus, westerns travelers who journeyed in China began to regard Chinese people and their culture differently and derogatively. Their pleasurable contemplation for Foot binding gradually altered and raised western concerns.…
Foot binding is also known as “lotus feet”. This practice was to prevent the feet from growing. This custom originated from upper-court dancers during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms in Imperial China. As a result, this practice became popular in the Song Dynasty and had spread to all other social classes. Foot binding was a mean to show that you were wealthy. This custom was thought to be beautiful.…
China went through many significant changes and continuities. Many ideas that involved society, religion, innovations and arts were many of the things that either got modified or remained the same. In Ancient China between (221 B.C.E) to (1271 C.E) China had. To begin with, during China's earliest stages, it began with the Han Dynasty, where agriculture was the main focus but as time went on, the dynasty came to a halt and a new ruler would step in. This ruler's name was Sui Wen-Ti and during the Sui Dynasty he brought China back together until it hit its downfall around 618 C.E, and the Tang Dynasty took the opportunity to rise. During this dynasty, China became more stable with a strong central government, economic revolution, agriculture…
Brown et al. have also produced data attempting to answer this long-standing theory on the purpose of foot binding. In their 2012 paper, Marriage Mobility and Footbinding in Pre-1949 Rural China: A Reconsideration of Gender, Economics, and Meaning in Social Causation Brown et al preface their data by stating “It has long been assumed that before 1949 Chinese society was hypergamous —that most women married to a “better” household than the one in which they were born.” Despite this belief, they describe “In our sample of 7,314 rural women living in Sichuan, Northern, Central, and Southwestern China in the first half of the twentieth century, two-thirds of women did not marry up. In fact, 22 percent of all women, across regions, married down. In most regions, more women married up than down, but in all regions, the majority did not marry hypergamously.” (Melissa J. Brown et al 1035) In an attempt to reconcile this data, which debunks much of the assumptions that John Mao’s preferred theory rests upon, the paper presents a more likely theory: that feet binding was a form of labor control. In their discussion, they write “We deal elsewhere with the question of why footbinding ended, which can be summarized by saying that we have growing evidence that footbinding was a form of labor control to boost the contribution of young girls to handcraft production…We think changes in the larger political economy that threw…
During the Tang dynasty, the lives of elite women in Northern China were heavily influenced by the lives of women in the nomadic, egalitarian tribes to the north. Statues and paintings have been found from this time that depict women riding horses, and the rise of a female Daoist deity known as the Queen Mother of the West. This all changed during the Song Dynasty though, as the rapid spread of Confucianism and economic growth caused patriarchy to become even more strict, and women were forced into submission once again. The most obvious sign of the rise of patriarchy was foot binding, the process of tightly wrapping a woman’s foot, so that it was only a few inches long. This practice was seen as a sign of power and riches, as well as being commonly associated with beauty, frailty, and being confined to the only place Confucianism taught girls belonged, “inner quarters.” Though this process was long, difficult, expensive, and painful, many women would do this to their daughters, and some girls even looked forward to it, as it became more of a right of passage than a commonly accepted torture method. And though it is not as widely practiced or known, foot binding…
In China, gender inequality still exists between husbands and wives; however, ever since 1950, the tendency of gender positions shared in a marriage is increasing. Both traditional and modern marriages require dowries and bride prices from both families, whereas the economic grows, either one side of the family has to disburse more to the other family. Moreover, the one who has higher education or earn the most has the authority in household. Working inequality is still present in some cities of China, however, the unfairness has improved distinctly from the past. The divorce rate is increasing, since women have the right to divorce and freedom to choose. In ancient China, due to women had overwhelmed by domination of men in marriages, marriages…
In this essay I will describe the three main religions of Ancient China. Although they are not that much alike they do have some similarities. There were three major religions in ancient china, Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.…
Although the conditions for Qing women, especially upper class ones, were slowly improving (there is some evidence of female writers, poets, and painters), women were still seen as far second-class and subordinate to men and had few, if any, rights. They were not allowed to divorce their husbands, and they could be sold into slavery or prostitution if their parents or husband so desired. Footbinding, a practice in which a girl’s feet are broken and her toes slowly folded under the soles of her feet in the hopes that she would become more marriageable, was a common practice. Concubinage was also commonplace, as was infanticide of female children. These practices show how a woman was judged in society—her worth was determined by her beauty, her ability to be married off for a good price, and her ability to bear male children. Like the structure of society and family life in Qing China, the place of women in society was based on Confucianism; Confucius’ teachings explicitly subordinated women to men. For example, an old Chinese proverb that has been passed down through the centuries is, “The most beautiful and talented daughter is not as desirable as a deformed…