The article Wealth may mean health: Study sees advantage for multiple listing, getting an organ transplant by Marilynn Marchione suggested that wealthy people are more likely to be in multiple waiting list, given them a higher change to receive an organ. The article Organ waiting list policy benefits the wealthy, study charges, states a similar point of view as the article above discuses. “People in line for organ transplants gain an advantage by getting on the waiting lists at multiple centers”
Although both articles have the similar …show more content…
points of view the second article does a better job describing where the search was originated “according to data presented November 9 at the American Heart Association’s scientific sessions.” By giving us the source from where the research was originated we can read more about the search can come up with our own conclusion weather if wealthy people have a better chance to get an organ transplant or not.
According to article “Organ waiting list policy benefits the wealthy, study charges” more than 122,000 people across the United States need a transplant. The transplants vary from heart, lung, kidney or other organs there is a policy that helps people on the waiting list that allows them to enroll on a list at one than more hospital this “idea helps patients overcome geographic disparities”. Although the idea of being in more than one list could potential help patient find a donor faster, according to Raymond Givens a cardiologist from Columbia University Medical Center “this is a policy that exacerbates that disparity”.
In his analysis “people with multiple listings were more likely to receive a transplant and have lower death rates 18.6 percent of patients on a single list for a kidney transplant died waiting, compared with 10.8 percent of those on more than one list.
Article number two also expresses the same concerns as the “Organ waiting list policy benefits the wealthy, study charges” and states “the rich have advantages even in a system designed to steer organs to the sickest patients and those who have waited longest. Wealthier people can better afford the tests and travel to get on more than one transplant center's waiting list”. Dr. Raymond Givens as the lead in this study argues that the policy needs to be revised.
Both articles share the same point of view in this part of the issues but article number two Wealth may mean health: Study sees advantage for multiple listing, getting an organ transplant, seems to do a better job given us the opinion of the Dr. Raymond Givens and although he agrees with the policy he propose to revise the policy in order to stop the question whether if rich people have a better chance to get an organ transplant.
The last point of the Organ waiting list policy benefits the wealthy, study charges article discusses that patients on different list tent to have a higher income and sometimes even private insurance.
“To get on more than one list, a patient must be evaluated at each center, which requires the means for travel and lodging” the article states. It also discusses “that the list exist because patients want it” a current UNOS (the united network for organ sharing) spokesman said.
The second article approaches the same issue but the article provides more examples “Robert Veatch, a medical ethicist at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University mentions Steve jobs as the perfect example of the abilities that wealthy people have. “The former Apple chief was on a transplant list in Tennessee and received a new liver at a hospital there in 2009 even though he lived in California.” As I mentioned before both article cover the fact that wealthier people are more likely to be on multiple list, but the second article actually uses realm facts to demonstrate the
The different opinions and facts on this two articles demonstrate the capability wealthy people have. There is no doubt that money can help wealthy people get anything they want. Nowadays it can even help them live a little longer. For most of us world of organ donation is an estrange world, but should really start thinking on how we can help the less fortunate in this world.