Schools are largely funded by property taxes. Meaning that richer areas are available. Have better schools, while poorer areas …show more content…
Students are prepared to go. Further their education and education. Which is not a bad thing. However, college isn't for everyone and only recently has the idea that everyone should and has to go to college been pushed. Source 4 explains how in the 1950s high schools shifted their focus to preparing students for college instead of preparing them for the workforce. to this day, college prep is still the center of high school curriculum. According to recent studies, (Source 4) only 68% of high school students attend college, meaning 30% are left with non-skills gained from high school. To resolve this issue is very simple. Students should be provided with more opportunities to take vocational classes. Classes like auto shop and woodworking provide students with hands-on learning and these skills can be used to get a job. Besides vocational classes, students would also greatly benefit from classes that just prepare them for how to be adults in general. How many students truly understand how taxes work, how to apply for jobs, how to build a resume, and public speaking? All these skills are essential to being a successful adult and aren't stressed enough in the school's educational system. If changes like this were implemented, students would be better prepared to face the adult