The wealthy should offer the poor and low income families education in place of just aimlessly writing out checks. Many may not realize that the richest one percent of the country owns forty percent of everything developed. So much money is earned by this higher upper class yearly, that it is nearly impossible to spend all of the money they make. When the high upper class start to provide the uneducated people with an education, they can then later hire them to work in their corporations. Once the unfortunately poor people have bettered their working and financial skills, they can help to better the United States economy. When given money, many homeless or less fortunate people may panic and waste it on little things because they haven’t gained the knowledge of finance. When the United States population then are all educated, everyone will better have the ability to maintain a job and there will be room to create new and improved technologies and businesses. Another way the wealthy could
The wealthy should offer the poor and low income families education in place of just aimlessly writing out checks. Many may not realize that the richest one percent of the country owns forty percent of everything developed. So much money is earned by this higher upper class yearly, that it is nearly impossible to spend all of the money they make. When the high upper class start to provide the uneducated people with an education, they can then later hire them to work in their corporations. Once the unfortunately poor people have bettered their working and financial skills, they can help to better the United States economy. When given money, many homeless or less fortunate people may panic and waste it on little things because they haven’t gained the knowledge of finance. When the United States population then are all educated, everyone will better have the ability to maintain a job and there will be room to create new and improved technologies and businesses. Another way the wealthy could