Date: 11/01/2013
Class Level: Pre-Intermediate
Lenght of Lesson: 1 hr.
Lesson Type: Vocabulary and Grammar
Subject: What is the weather like today?
Lesson objective: Students identifying and describing the weather
Assumptions: Ss know basic vocabulary: weather, temperature, degrees, cold, warm, snow, storm, etc.
Interaction Patterns: T>S, S>T
Timing: 20 min
Purpose of Procedure: To interest students, to learn the vocabulary
Materials needed: Pictures with different weathers, stickies with adjectives: cloudy, cold, foggy, freezing, rainy, sunny, snowy, stormy, windy, hot
Introduce word play: T mimes words representing different weather conditions, Ss guess. Elicit as many words as Ss know: cloudy, cold, foggy, freezing, rainy, sunny, snowy, stormy, windy, hot.
Put on the board pictures illustrating different weathers conditions, on the table stickies with adjectives: cloudy, cold, foggy, freezing, rainy, sunny, snowy, stormy, windy, hot. Model sentence: “It's sunny”. Ask Ss to match words with pictures and write the sentence “It's ...” next to matched pairs.
Remove everything from the board. Show random pictures to the class and elicit responses to:
What's the weather like today?
How's the weather today?
Is it a nice day outside?
What's the weather like in your city?
Model sentences: “It's sunny today”, “It's rainy and windy”, “It's nice day outside”, “The weather in Warsaw is beautiful”. Ask Ss to write the responses on board.
Strategy 2 – PRACTICE
Interaction patterns: T>S, S>T, S>S
Timing: 20 min
Purpose of Procedure: To confirm new vocabulary through practice,
Materials needed: Access to Internet, recordings, worksheets
Show the Warsaw weather web site as an authentic example on how to check the weather. Go to the simple chart showing the symbol represent the forecast for today. Elicit response from the class asking:
What is the weather in Warsaw