1. a) Match the words and their definitions. blizzard drought flood hailstorm heat wave hurricane lightning monsoon thunder typhoon
1. ___________ (n) a period of unusually hot weather
2. ___________ (n) a long, usually hot, dry period when there is little or no rain
3. ___________ (n) a storm with small balls of ice that fall like rain
4. ___________ (n) a flash of very bright light in the sky caused by electricity
5. ___________ (v and n) the loud noise that you hear during a storm
6. ___________ (n) a snowstorm with very strong winds
7. ___________ (v and n) when everything becomes filled and covered with water
8. __________ (n) a violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean
9. __________ (n) a violent tropical storm in the Pacific or Indian Ocean with very strong winds
10. __________ (n) the season when it rains a lot in southern Asia
b) What cities or countries do you associate with …? typhoons smog earthquakes floods hurricanes tornadoes droughts volcano eruptions heavy snow avalanches 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of words in the box.
Avalanche, disease, drought, earthquake, epidemic, famine, flood, forest fire, hurricane, landslide, tsunami, volcano
1. ___________ have been burning for three weeks in Indonesia and have destroyed thousands of hectares of virgin forest.
2. One of the most infectious ___________ is Ebola, which kills its victims extremely quickly.
3. The harvest in Afghanistan has failed four years running due to a terrible ____________, which has affected most of the country.
4. Bangladesh is regularly hit by __________ caused by heavy rain in the monsoon period.
5. The small island of Montserrat in the Caribbean was almost wiped out by a __________ which erupted a few years ago.
6. Three