E-recruitment: new practices, new issues. An exploratory study
(draft) Girard Aurélie1, Bernard Fallery1
CREGOR, Case Courrier 028, University of Montpellier 2, 34000 Montpellier, France Aurelie.girard34@orange.fr Bernard.fallery@univ-montp2.fr http://www.cregor.net
hal-00777802, version 1 - 18 Jan 2013
Abstract. The Internet as already impacts the recruitment process and the development of Web 2.0 offers recruiters new perspectives. Are web 2.0 practices revealing new e-recruitment strategies? We connect first the RBV and the SNT respectively with Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. Then, we present the results from an exploratory study conducted among recruiters in software and computing services companies. It appears that the use of Web 1.0 is generalized but that it is becoming insufficient. Web 2.0 is used by firms to develop employer branding and a reputation and to create new relationships with potential applicants.
1 Introduction
“Every sector, every job, every function, was, is or will be disrupted by Internet” stated Kalika in 2000 [19]. The HR sector is undergoing a transformation. In August 2007, Monster France had more than 3 million CVs on their databases and LinkedIn’s social network had over 36 million members around the world in February 2009. According to Lepak and Snell (1998) [22], the HR Function must confront four seemingly contradictory pressures. HR departments are required to be simultaneously strategic, flexible, efficient, and customer-oriented. Certain authors have suggested that the use of technology may enable them to achieve these goals [36, 22, 21]. Recruitment plays a critical role in enhancing organizational survival and success [29]. The recruitment process has been profoundly affected by major changes: the retirement of the "baby boomers", an increasing need for flexibility and responsiveness, and complex modes of
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