Jinhua Sun
Department of Computer Science and Technology Xiamen University of Technology, XMUT Xiamen, China jhsun@xmut.edu.cn
Yanqi Xie
Department of Computer Science and Technology Xiamen University of Technology, XMUT Xiamen, China yqxie@xmut.edu.cn
Abstract—In this paper, we introduce a web data mining solution to e-learning system to discover hidden patterns strategies from their learners and web data, describe a personalized recommender system that uses web mining techniques for recommending a student which (next) links to visit within an adaptable e-learning system, propose a new framework based on data mining technology for building a Web-page recommender system, and demonstrate how data mining technology can be effectively applied in an e-learning environment. Keywords--Data mining; web log,;e-learning; recommender
readily interpreted by the analyst. A virtual e-learning framework is proposed, and how to enhance e-learning through web data mining is discussed. II. RELATED WORK
With the rapid development of the World Wide Web, Web data mining has been extensively used in the past for analyzing huge collections of data, and is currently being applied to a variety of domains [1]. In the recent years, e-learning is becoming common practice and widespread in China. With the development of e-Learning, massive amounts of learning courses are available on the e-Learning system. When entering e-Learning System, the learners are unable to know where to begin to learn with various courses. Therefore, learners waste a lot of time on e-Learning system, but don’t get the effective learning result. It is very difficult and time consuming for educators to thoroughly track and assess all the activities performed by all learners. In order to overcome such a problem, the recommender learning system is required. Recommender systems are used on many web sites to help
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