Introduction Team A has been working together to create a list of essential design criteria for evaluating the Berry’s Bug Busters Website, a virtual organization. The team also completed a comparative review of two sites that have similar audience and purpose to the Berry’s Bug Busters Website. The intended audience for this website is people over the age of 18 that find themselves with a pest problem. There are no specific demographics related to the service offered. These two sites are Orkin and FreedomPest, which provide some useful examples of ways to improve upon the curent design of Berry’s Bug Busters Website. The following is the list of design features: Design Features 1. A chat window so that customers can talk about their pest issue with an expert to answer any questions
2. Incorporate social media logins such as Facebook and twitter to increase our customer base.
3. A drop down window which will help them search for the pest that they are having trouble with and explain the behavior and diet of such pests.
4. Have a taskbar that lists our services, pests, testimonials, schedule an appointment or to contact us.
5. List our accreditations and licenses.
6. Create a space for regular customers to open an account, gaining access to “privileges” such as discounts and complimentary services. (Log in).
7. Link building. Adding links to our business profile in directories such as Google Local, LinkedIn, Insider Pages, and other.
8. Sections properly labeled.
9. Interesting and appealing design
10. Suggested browsers for better viewing
11. Easy access to information
12. Appropriate and up-to-date links
13. Appropriate format
List by Category Headings
-Is it free of grammatical and spelling errors?
-Was any important information omitted?
-Is it up-to-date?
-Accreditations and licenses.
References: Felke-Morris, T. (2011). Web development & design foundations with XHTML (5th ed.). Pearson Education. Ledford, J. L. (2009). Seo: Search engine optimization bible (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. Wilton, P., & McPeak, J. (2009). Beginning JavaScript® (4th ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Wrox.