After reviewing the existing archive of past workshop evaluations, we determined that we needed to revise the evaluation instruments to identify how well the existing website supported the first two user groups (potential workshop participants and accepted workshop participants). The Final Evaluation form for this year’s and future workshops include questions that specifically address how the participants used the website prior to the workshop and if they plan to use website following the given workshop.
We posted an overall follow up survey on the website in March to gather feedback about the impact of the past workshops on the participants’ teaching. To date we have received 95 respondents. 82 of the respondents indicated that they shared the workshop website with their colleagues and/or department. These respondents provided narratives that included the specific resources on the web they recommended or described department meetings devoted to perusing the website’s activities. 43 of the respondents used the website since the workshop and 18 additional respondents who had not yet used the website indicated plans to use it in the near future.
For the five workshops held this year (Teaching with Visualizations, Preparing for an Academic Career, Course Design, Early Career, NAGT Geology and Human Health) additional questions were added to the final evaluations to better assess the website. From the final evaluations for these five workshops, nearly all attendees (93% to 100%) reported it easy to find information on the website to prepare for a workshop.
However, these final evaluations also highlight a potential problem in that the website does not seem to compel or make the attendees more aware of the other Cutting Edge resources. For Visualizations, Early Career, and Geo and Human Health, nearly all attendees (96%-100%) indicated that they planned to visit the Cutting Edge website again in