College of Engineering and Information Technology
Web Registration System
Registration System
|Ability to Develop |Structured Methodologies |RAD Methodologies |Agile Methodologies |
|System | | | |
| |Waterfall |Parallel |Phased |Prototyping |Throwaway Prototyping|XP |
|Unclear Requirements |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |
|Unfamiliar Technology |inappropriate |inappropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |inappropriate |
|Complexity |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |inappropriate |
|Reliable |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |inappropriate |appropriate |appropriate |
|Short Time Schedule |inappropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |
|Schedule Visibility |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |appropriate |
This Project is relatively a simple project. So, most of these methodologies fit finely with this project. The table above shows that Throwaway Prototyping and Phased methodologies are the most suitable for our project. In the system request, one of the constraints was to deliver a running part of the project (a running phase)