Web Usage Mining: A Survey on Pattern Extraction from Web Logs
S. K. Pani, , 2L. Panigrahy, 2V.H.Sankar, 3Bikram Keshari Ratha, 2A.K.Mandal, 2S.K.Padhi 1 P.G. Department Of Computer Science, RCMA; Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Konark Institute of Science and Technology; Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India 3 P.G. Department Of Computer Science, Utkal University,Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India E-mail: Subhendu_pani@rediffmail.com; mynamelingaraj@gmail.com; Himashankar.V@gmail.com; vkramus@gmail.com; Sanjaya2004@yahoo.com
Abstract— As the size of web increases along with number of users, it is very much essential for the website owners to better understand their customers so that they can provide better service, and also enhance the quality of the website. To achieve this they depend on the web access log files. The web access log files can be mined to extract interesting pattern so that the user behaviour can be understood. This paper presents an overview of web usage mining and also provides a survey of the pattern extraction algorithms used for web usage mining.
To mine the interesting data from this huge pool, data mining techniques can be applied. But the web data is unstructured or semi structured. So we can not apply the data mining techniques directly. Rather another discipline is evolved called web mining which can be applied to web data. Web mining is used to discover interest patterns which can be applied to many real world problems like improving web sites, better
Keywords— web mining, pattern extraction, usage mining, preprocessing
I. INTRODUCTION In this world of
Technology, accessing
understanding the visitor’s behavior, product recommendation etc. Web mining is the use of data mining techniques to automatically discover and extract information from Web documents/services (Etzioni,1996). Web mining is
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