This Article is to explain the main difference between "Selenium Remote Control" and "Selenium WebDriver".
Selenium RC:
Selenium Remote Control is the first version delivered by Selenium. This is created to automate the tests in multiple browsers. These can be only done by programming language.
Selenium Remote Control (RC) is a server, written in Java that accepts commands for the browser via HTTP. RC makes it possible to write automated tests for a web application in any programming language, which allows for better integration of Selenium in existing unit test frameworks. To make writing tests easier, Selenium project currently provides client drivers for PHP, Python, Ruby, .NET, Perl and Java. The Java driver can also be used with JavaScript (via the Rhino engine). A new instance of selenium RC server is needed to launch html test case - which means that the port should be different for each parallel run. However for Java/PHP test case only one Selenium RC instance needs to be running continuously.
As highlighted in red fonted, Selenium RC needs port for every parallel run (ie, execution of test cases).
As specified above, In order to make Selenium command on Application (on what to be done), Selenium RC server needs an instance. This can be given as below.
1. Identify the port number - this is the port number written in code (and it can be any 4 digit number).
2. Give permission for Selenium RC server to run commands through that port, and keep that instance always running.
a) open cmd prompt
b) go to location where selenium jar file stored
c) type the command as java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.16.0.jar -port 4444 please note that, port xxxx should be the number used in code.
Selenium WebDriver:
With the release of Selenium 2 (or Selenium WebDriver), this usage of multiple instance in RC is resolved.
Selenium WebDriver is the successor to Selenium RC. Selenium WebDriver accepts