I am writing this essay about the comparison of the two websites called: Wikipedia.com and WorldbookOnline.com. There are many differences and things that are alike between the two websites. They are both very useful to both students and adults but, are both extremely different from one another.
Wikipedia.com very is different from WorldbookOnline.com. First off, when you go to search for something on WorldbookOnline.com a whole list of sub-topics comes up relating to your actual giant topic, while if you go to search for something on Wikipedia.com only one article comes up. Personally I like Wikipedia.com better because for me it’s a lot easier to use because instead of about twenty different sub-topics coming up, while instead one big article comes up. In another way they are different is that Wikipedia.com, you can make and account and add anything you know about the topic to the article so what your reading might not even be true, but its still, quote on quote, the information is hopefully true and not a false accusation. On WorldbookOnline.com all of the information is true because the information they are getting are from an expert, not some random person who deices to randomly change an article just because they want to.
There are many ways they are alike also. Like they both have search bars, which is extremely helpful in some cases. The two websites also easily understood (understanding the concept) except the articles on Wikipedia.com could drag on to be 30 pages or more. Another reason how they are alike is that they are both run by a small organization. They really aren’t alike in many ways if you think about it; they are two completely different organizations.
Well that’s the end of my compare and contrast essay. As I said, they are alike in so ways but are completely different!
Wikipedia contributors. "Anuket." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 21 Nov. 2011.