Sharif Salem
1- Introduction (Motivations, Problem Statement and Goals)
The Delone and McLean’s Model of IS Success is one of the most widely-cited in the IS literature. Delone and McLean clearly state that providing a model does not create a study, or develop measures, or interpret the results. A model depicts a theory and it helps the researcher put the data in a framework to make it easier to understand and explain. More than 25 years have passed since Delone and McLean published their cautionary words about their IS Success model, and there are still not close to filling some of those gaps. After reviewing the IS success literature that utilizes the Delone and McLean’s model from 1992 to 2007, Petter, Delone, and McLean reiterated this observation that the research had not advanced at the organizational level. While enough studies have been conducted that validate almost every relationship in the model at the individual level of analysis, there are not enough studies to validate even one fourth of the relationships presented in the model at the organizational level of analysis (Petter, et al., 2008; Perez-Mira, 2010; Delone & Mclean, 2004). This void in the research calls to attention many items of concern for researchers.
Delone and McLean’s model designed mainly to study information system success for internal systems where system use is mandatory by employees or internal customers. E-commerce environment is a unique setting to study the Delone and McLean’s model of IS Success because the system itself is essential to the business, without it, there would not be any business-customer interaction. Also, the system is not internal to the organization; in its primary use, it faces the customer, not organizational employees’ means that e-commerce use is mainly volitional. Finally, the features in
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