A Risk Assessment is periodic assessment of the risk and magnitude of the harm that could result from the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the organization. A risk assessment should include a consideration of the major factors in risk management: the value of the system or application, threats, vulnerabilities, and the effectiveness of current or proposed safeguards.
Many organizations perform risk assessments to measure the amount of risks that could affect their organization, and identify ways to minimize these risks before a major disaster occurs. Department of Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) follows guidelines and policies governed by processes by which the organization assesses and manages exposure to risks. In this paper the subject to identify is the risks and potential effects associated with the areas of the organization pertaining to security, auditing, and disaster recovery.
Security is divided in three major areas: Physical security includes access to the building, offices, and the rooms housing the organization’s servers and other critical computing devices. External threats to the organization’s computing network such as hackers and malicious software. Access and permission to authorized users of the system as well as to the information.
Physical security of the DISA field office involves