1. Is chance music really music? Why should music be different from the sounds of life?
Although I do not particularly care for chance music, or even agree with the idea or methods, I still hold true to the belief that any art for developed by an artist should be considered for the art for that it represents. Personally I do no care for the work of Picasso; however, he is one of the most renowned artists in history. There are many that have said that Rap music, or modern impressionist art is should not be considered for what it is and yet there are just as many people that would disagree and argue that they are an art form all their own. I feel that music only extrapolates sounds of life and brings them to melodic presence. If one would try to use only the sounds of life, I believe it would simply sound like life itself. For me, music is about an emotional escape from the realistic sounds of life and, in order to do that, the sounds that are strung together in rhythmic melodies have to be different than those that are heard as you walk down a busy street. As I sit and write this, I am reminded about the movie I wrote a review on early in our class, August Rush. In the movie, August heard music in everything, and was able to derive melodies from the sounds around him. I saw a group called “Stomp” on stage performing with broom handles and trash cans, and the rhythm and music that they are able to produce is phenomenal. If you have never heard them, go to You-tube and look up stomp-out-loud, you will not be disappointed.
2. How do you personally feel about music of this chapter?
I do not personally care for most of the music highlighted in the chapter. To me it is more chaotic and undisciplined than music of earlier centuries. I prefer the structure. I have heard many pieces from the same time period and have enjoyed a few, but even in the pieces I care for, the time, rhythm, and structures seem to be somewhat chaotic and missing the structure to