Fill in the following boxes by identifying and describing the four theorists and theories of intelligence outlined in the text book. Please review the text and in the last column share what your views on each particular theory. Save this document and type directly onto the document and boxes. The boxes will expand to accommodate what you write. Submit as an attachment to the appropriate drop box.
Theory of Intelligence
Description of Theory of Intelligence
Your Views on this Theory
Charles Spearman - General Intelligence
People who performed well on one cognitive test tended to perform well on other tests, while those who scored badly on one test tended to score badly on others. He concluded that intelligence is general cognitive ability that could be measured and numerically expressed.
I don’t really agree with this. Everyone is intelligent in their own way.
Louis L. Thurstone - Primary Mental Abilities
Instead of viewing intelligence as a single, general ability, Thurstone's theory focused on seven different "primary mental abilities."
-Verbal comprehension
- Perceptual speed -Numerical ability -Word fluency -Associative memory -Spatial visualization
I do agree with this because it tests everyone in different ways, some people are weaker than others.
Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligences
Instead of focusing on the analysis of test scores, Gardner proposed that numerical expressions of human intelligence are not a full and accurate depiction of people's abilities. His theory describes eight distinct intelligences that are based on skills and abilities that are valued within different cultures. -Visual-spatial Intelligence -Verbal-linguistic Intelligence - Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence - Logical-mathematical Intelligence -Interpersonal Intelligence -Musical Intelligence -Intra personal Intelligence -Naturalistic