Class of Prof. Manuel Tenmatay
Shouldice Hospital – A Cut Above
1. How well is the hospital currently utilizing its beds?
Using the formula: Capacity utilization rate = capacity used/best operating level, these are the following beds used per day and per week. Beds Required
Check-In Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Monday 30 30 30
Tuesday 30 30 30
Wednesday 30 30 30
Thursday 30 30 30
Sunday 30 30 30
Total 60 90 90 90 60 30 30
Monday: 60/90 = 66%
Tuesday: 90/90 = 100%
Wednesday: 90/90 = 100%
Thursday: 90/90 = 100%
Friday: 60/90 = 66%
Saturday: 30/90 = 33%
Sunday: 30/90 = 33%
Average capacity utilization rate per week: 71.43%
2. Develop a similar table to show the effects of adding operations on Saturday. (Assume that 30 operations would still be performed each day.) How would this affect the utilization of the bed capacity? Is this capacity sufficient for the additional patients?
Beds Required
Check-In Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Monday 30 30 30
Tuesday 30 30 30
Wednesday 30 30 30
Thursday 30 30 30
Saturday 30* 30* 30*
Sunday 30 30 30
Total 90* 90 90 90 60 60* 60*
Monday: 90/90 = 100% *
Tuesday: 90/90 = 100%
Wednesday: 90/90 = 100%
Thursday: 90/90 = 100%
Friday: 60/90 = 66%
Saturday: 60/90 = 66% *
Sunday: 60/90 = 66% *
Total: 85.71% *
* Changes due to effects of adding operations on Saturday.
Bed capacity would change on Monday, Saturday and Sunday. There would be an increase in the bed capacity utilization from 66%, 33%, 33% to 100%, 66%, 66%, respectively. Furthermore, the total bed capacity utilization rate averaged in a week increased from 71.43%