The advantages of asynchronous learning are self-motivated, work at your own pace, and don’t have to meet in a class room at a certain time, getting to meet different people all over. Disadvantages of asynchronous learning would not be in a class room setting, procrastinating, and not having the interaction with the instructor or other classmates. Advantages of synchronous learning would be a class room setting meaning you enter a site at a specific date and time and can interact as a class. Disadvantages of synchronous learning would be you have to make sure you are checking in at the scheduled time, the class and instructor can see what you are typing at all times and know when you come in and leave the class.
•Cyber bullying is a serious issue in today’s schools and business. If everyone adopted and educated people on netiquette guidelines would this issue be solved? Explain.
Until businesses and schools take cyber bullying as serious as bullying someone in person the issues would not be resolved. Many cyber bullies think that bullying others online is funny. Cyber bullies may not realize the consequences for themselves of cyberbullying. The things teens post online now may reflect badly on them later when they apply for college or a job. Cyber bullying causes different reactions to many different people from depression to legal matters to even suicide. I often think that cyber bullying is worse than physically bullying someone because with cyber bullying nobody know it is happing other than the bully/bullies and one getting bullied but, getting physically bullied someone who could potentially stop it could see it happening. So again if schools and businesses would take all bullying serious that maybe just maybe we would see a decrease in the amount that it