Following the American Psychological Association’s Guidelines
Community College of Allegheny County
Strategy Number One: Do Not Skip breakfast
A lot of college students are prone to skipping breakfast for a multitude of reasons. Many believe that breakfast can be a pointless meal and it is simply a waste of time at the beginning of their day. However, breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day by doctors all over the world. Breakfast is the first time your body consumes food (and therefore secretes energy) during the day. Likewise, eating even a smaller breakfast (i.e. a cup of orange juice and a thing of yogurt) will help kick start your metabolism for the day and get you going on the right track. Those who skip breakfast frequently are more prone to becoming overweight according to Joan Salge Blake, R.D., spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and clinical associate professor at Boston University. Skipping breakfast teases the brain into craving higher calorie meals later in the day. Thus, leading to weight gain.
Strategy Number Two: Maintain a regular workout schedule
Working out in college can be difficult to fit in your already busy schedule, but it is a must. Even if you just jog a quick mile or simply walk a few laps around the track, any exercise is good exercise. Anytime you can get up and get out of your desk chair to move around for a little bit, it is a good thing for your nutrition. Though walking may not burn as many calories as running, both get your blood pumping and digestive system moving. Even the smallest bits of exercise can help in the long-run when you are in college because it speeds up the digestive process and helps get nutrients to the body faster. Exercise can also help decrease stress which leads to increased eating and therefore weight gain. You
Cited: Enzymatic Therapy, Inc. - Occasional Constipation and Diarrhea†: How Exercise Affects Digestion. (n.d.). Enzymatic Therapy, Inc. - Occasional Constipation and Diarrhea†: How Exercise Affects Digestion. Retrieved July 3, 2014, from Living/Digestion/Occasional-Constipation-and-Diarrhea/How-Exercise-Affects-Digestion.aspx Hirsch, L. (2014, January 1). Beating the Freshman 15. KidsHealth - the Web 's most visited site about children 's health. Retrieved July 3, 2014, from