Weight Loss
Obesity in America is growing at an alarming rate through are society. People need to take action against this disease and other chronic diseases caused because of it. This starts with proper education and choosing an affective weight loss program that helps maintain and also supports the people who are overweight and obese. The United States of America has the highest rates in the world of overweight people (68% of the US population) and obesity (34% of the population). According to a new report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 1 in 10 people are obese worldwide! I will be comparing and contrasting Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers for being the best two methods for weight loss programs because of proven success with individuals and the number of people supporting the weight loss programs. With the Jenny Craig diet you’ll get a personalized meal and exercise plan, plus weekly one-on-one counseling sessions with a Jenny Craig consultant. These are not nutrition professionals—anyone who is “health-oriented and customer-focused” can attend a training course and get certified—but when consultants have questions, they seek advice from one of Jenny’s registered dietitians. Your diet, which ranges from 1,200 to 2,300 calories a day, is designed around your current weight, fitness habits, motivation level, and tendencies to chow down when stressed. On the other hand, with weight watchers there is no fixed membership period; many people who join Weight Watchers stick with it even after they’ve shed unwanted pounds. You can eat whatever you want—provided you stick to your daily Points Plus target, a number based on your gender, weight, height, and age. You can find the points values of more than 40,000 foods on Weight Watchers’ website. Processed choices like bologna usually have the highest point values (meaning they should be eaten in small amounts or less often) while fresh fruits and vegetables carry zero
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